
📺 Worship Team Teaching

Teaching from Living Rock Church on the pastoral, prophetic and practical aspects of worship

A Pastoral Perspective

Richard Jones

The shepherding nature of worship and worship leading is a topic which Rich excellently opens up in this video, giving examples and advice on how we can be shepherd-like in the context of worship.

Worship Family

Holly Eagle

Holly’s description of why and how the worship team can function as a family is great challenge to all to play their part and come alongside one another as family serving together.

Worship Team United

William Lyon

The bible paints a picture of a spirit filled church exemplifying and treasuring unity. It’s within unity that the Lord commands His blessing. Will unpacks the idea of unity in this video, giving some key ways that the worship team can be united with one another and with the whole church.

Musicality of Prophetic Worship

Matthew Ling

In this video, Matthew clearly explains that music plays an important prophetic role, often preceding, provoking, accompanying or carrying the prophetic ministry. Using biblical examples and offering advice on practical outworking, Matthew encourage us to press on for more of what God has for us.

Engaging with Heavenly Worship

Debora Lyon

Debora’s passion for worshipping King Jesus and for the dynamic power of prophetic ministry make this video on engaging with Heavenly worship inspiring, thought provoking and a challenge to draw near to Jesus’ throne to see and hear the sounds of Heaven and bring them to Earth.

Biblical basis and Now Purpose of Prophetic Worship

Andrew Eagle

Andrew shares examples of times and people in the bible that demonstrate the overlap of prophetic ministry and worship, giving us insight into how the same is to be outworked today.

Being a Better Worship Musician

Simon Blake

Simon roots his excellent practical advice on improving as a musician in strong biblical truth, encouraging really healthy and important values and posture on which a great skill base can be developed.

Being a Better Worship Singer

Charlie Marsden

Charlie offers numerous really helpful and practical tips on how to look after, improve and use your voice to praise the Lord. This video is one to go back to again…and again... to revisit key practises and important truths behind how and why we do what we do really well.

Being an Effective Member of the team

Benj Lyon

Having been an invaluable part of the worship team for many years, Benj has some fantastic insight into how to be the best and get the best out of those in the worship team. He’s really clear on both principles and practise, spending some time in this video unpacking both aspects and encouraging the worship team to keep going and keep growing.