
The Emmaus Road

September 17, 2017 • David Lyon

Luke 24 tells of two ordinary disciples who met the risen Lord Jesus on their way to an obscure village near Jerusalem. Along the way He addresses their sadness and disappointment, before revealing His identity to them in the breaking of bread. In this beautiful story, with its many practical implications for the church today, Jesus shows that the suffering of the Cross has resulted in a glorious Crown and a great Commission.

The Maturing Of The Bride

December 3, 2017 • Mike Shuter

Revelation 19 shows us a picture of the Bride of Christ, which is His church. We see that a day is coming where we will have made ourselves ready for His return, but what does that mean for us today? How do we make ourselves ready to be the Bride that Christ deserves?

Refreshing & Restoration

December 3, 2017 • Stephen Russell

God wants to pour out His Spirit on you! God doesn’t just want to refresh us when times are tough or have been difficult, He wants us to be in a place of refreshing all the time! He wants us to be those that are a well spring of life to all those around us, as we “hasten” the day of His return. The well spring of the Spirit, the Holy Spirit is the key to a restored Kingdom - The Kingdom of God! God wants to restore back to the original intention! The restoration of Eden in our lives - the perfect relationship, man having dominion, multiplying and subduing the earth, and unbroken fellowship with God. A Church where healing and miracles are common place, where believers are all filled with the Holy Spirit in abundant measure and move in a divine purpose and anointing. A Church that is a haven of health, full of blessing, provision and joy! The Acts Church was a model - we are destined to go beyond Acts. We are writing Acts 29! We have and are having a glimpse of the age to come. He is preparing His Church, His bride, and The established Kingdom is coming!

What Kind Of People Ought We To Be?

November 26, 2017 • Richard Pemberton

What kind of people ought we to be in the light of His return? In this podcast, we explore the essential framework needed to be in place in order for us to be productive in playing our part in God's purposes for our lives. Viewing the world through the lens of mission means very little unless we have the frame in place to support the lenses. We explore several themes which will help us focus our time and priorities better and be more productive in our time here on earth between His ascent up to heaven and our wait for His return!