
📄 Church Nature

David Lyon

The word ‘church’ in the bible never describes a building, a meeting, or an organisation – only people. But exactly what kind of people? We cannot fulfil our destiny unless we know who and what we are! The church is often paralysed by an inadequate view of her nature and mission. We urgently need a higher view of ourselves, to deliver us from mediocrity, compromise, smallness, divisiveness and impotence.

As we realise how greatly God sees His people we discover that the church is “an awesome place…none other than the House of God, the very Gateway to Heaven!” [Ge 28:17]. We are unique; hand-picked people at the forefront of God’s cosmic plan and purpose, manifesting His presence and glory, extending His Kingdom, bringing heaven to earth, and preparing the world for the return of Jesus! And, if we’re convinced of this, it will affect absolutely everything about us...

In this session we look at fundamental aspects of our nature, introducing several key themes that will be developed further in later sessions.