
The Joy of Judgement

February 25, 2024 • Mike Shuter

In this message we'll talk about the joy of judgement. They don't seem like two words that go together very well. When the Bible talks about judgement though, it's clear, for those who know Jesus there is ultimately nothing to fear. God has given us authority to make judgements and if we do this well it will result in sin being defeated, lives saved and restoration for those that turn to God.

Assembly Required

May 26, 2024 • Richard Jones

In our ‘Love Builds Up’ series going through 1 Corinthians, we look at how, in chapters 11-14, Paul talks about the spiritual significance of our gatherings. In these chapters we see angelic engagement and Holy Spirit manifestation, we begin to see what should happen when we meet, and what should our expectations be!

Proclaiming His Death

May 12, 2024 • Mike Shuter

We’re in 1 Corinthians 11 during our Love builds up series so let’s use the opportunity to dig deeper into the lessons of how not to break bread! We’ll look at some context of the scripture and then think about the importance of unity around the table, judgement around the table and proclamation from the table.

Lessons on Living in Liberty

April 28, 2024 • Richard Jones

What does it truly mean to be free as a Christian? In 1 Corinthians 10 the Apostle Paul gives us a history lesson to help us use our freedom well. Let’s see what he has to say…