
The Indwelling Holy Spirit

Part 2

David Lyon

As we saw in session 1, the Holy Spirit is the mighty Third Person of Trinity. He is the ‘executive agent’ of the Godhead. He is the One who completes the Father’s work; manifests God’s Presence in the world today; and imparts the power of God to the believer. He has been and will be active in our world from beginning to end. The Bible tells us that at the very beginning, He was hovering over the waters, waiting to create life (Ge 1:2); and that at the very end, He will be calling people to take the free gift of life! (Re 22:17). From start to finish He brings dynamic life!! As Jesus said, “The Spirit gives life...” [Jn 6:63]

It’s vital that we get to know the Holy Spirit as personally and intimately as possible. It’s not enough to know about Him. He wants us to know Him. Many believers are either robbed of a personal relationship with Him altogether (because they think He’s an “it” – an impersonal influence, power, energy), or else are experiencing only a fraction of what God has for them (because they understand so little of the His actions and activities).