

Equip 2023

May 2, 2023 • David Lyon

The author of Hebrews lists six “elementary teaching/s”, “elementary principles” or “basic teaching/s”, which are “the elementary doctrine” or “elementary message” about Christ. His list begins with “repentance from dead works” or “from acts that lead to death” or “from evil deeds”. The immediate context is the preceding passage, in which the author expresses concern at his readers’ slowness to understand ‘meaty issues’: they should be able to teach others, but are still struggling to understand “the basic principles of God’s revelation”; they need the “milk” of distinguishing good from evil, not yet being ready for the “solid food” associated with (eg) teachings about Christ’s high-priestly ministry. The author wants them to gain a solid grasp of these basic things, so they can “go on to maturity” or “perfection”... Maturity is our goal also, so in this session we will consider what repentance is and why it is so foundational in our lives.

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