
Numbers: Living In Certain Times

December 6, 2020 • William Lyon

Numbers 11 helps us to understand that living in uncertainty can cause us to grasp for control. When we’re rooted in the certainty of who God is though, we can let go of control and lay hold of all God has for us. We can live in certain times.

More from Numbers

Numbers: Strength in Numbers

May 9, 2021 • Richard Jones

We look back over our time in the book of Numbers and consider what God has been speaking to us around: His plan and purpose for us, His process of purification in us, and His perfect provision for us. We look at how this propels us forward together with strength in numbers!

Numbers: Killing Baddies and Filling Boundaries

April 25, 2021 • William Lyon

God has given us all we need to thrive in life. It’s not all happy rainbows and warm hugs, though. There are baddies and boundaries around us which we need to know how to deal with in order to live in the fulness of all God has for us. We can learn a thing or two from what God says in Numbers 33 just before His people entered the Promised Land.

Numbers: Going The Distance

April 18, 2021 • Stephen Russell

As we come towards the end of our series on Numbers, Stephen shares from Numbers 33 about how we are on a journey, and God is with us! Even during difficult stages of the journey there is a provision and refreshing for us. God wants to fill every aspect of our lives whilst we are on this journey, and despite set backs and, sometimes, failures, we are called to press on and finish the race.