
📕 Diary of a Disciple: Peter and Paul's Story

Gemma Willis

For kids aged 6-12
This book is a fresh way of exploring the stories of Peter and Paul
Told with humour and creativity, this is perfect for sparking an interest in the Bible
“Well, hello there. How very wonderful to see you, my friend. I don’t know if we’ve met before, but in a way that doesn’t really matter because I’m meeting you now!”

Doctor Luke is back! And he’s got a brand new diary filled with even more amazing adventures. From sheep falling from the sky, to storms, shipwrecks, and prisons. It’s all proper exciting!

Right after Jesus went back to heaven, leaving his disciples starting like fish at the sky, Luke goes back to Jerusalem and meets from frankly amazing people. From Peter, who’s sort of like the boss of the group, to Paul who went from being an angry Christian-hater to the most excited Jesus-follower of all time.

And that’s where the fun begins.

Discover the dazzling and dangerous stories of what happens when these men travel all over the place, telling every kind of man, woman, and child about Jesus.

Written with doodles and drawings galore, this next chapter in the Diary of a Disciple series is a fresh, and fizzling as the first!

The perfect way to get 6-12s excited about the amazing stories in God’s word.