
What did Jesus say about Himself?

Episode 7

April 21, 2021 • Richard Jones, Mike Shuter

In today’s episode we ask “What did Jesus say about Himself?“. Lots of people think they know who Jesus is; a good person, or maybe a teacher. But Jesus made it clear who He thought He was...

Welcome to 21 Questions, the podcast designed to help tackle some of the most commonly asked questions about life, faith and Christianity. In each episode our hosts take on one of these questions and chat about the answer in a relaxed, informal way. You can find out more at www.livingrock.church/21questions. Richard Jones is a church pastor with a great understanding of the Bible and some of the challenges that we face in life. Mike Shuter is a youth leader and loves seeing people discover the person of Jesus and how He changes our lives.

## 21 Questions
[Find out more and ask a question](https://www.livingrock.church/21questions)
Available on: Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube, Anchor, Overcast

## Living Rock Church
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Email: [21questions@livingrock.church](mailto:21questions@livingrock.church)

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