
📕 The Lion and the Lamb - Vol 2

More reflections on the book of revelation

Tony Ling

What does the Lion and the Lamb (Jesus Christ) really done for you? What does His resurrection mean for your everyday life?

In the Lion and the Lamb volume 2, you will continue to see and understand what Jesus has really done for you. The book provides a powerful message of encouragement and exhortation for your success as a believer right now!

You will see Jesus not only as the sovereign ruler throughout history but as the Lord of every circumstance; His power can penetrate every aspect of your life. You will learn how:

- His victory over death
- His triumph over evil, and
- His coming conquest of the whole earth as He effectively brings His Kingdom

mean true hope for you and all those who love Him dearly

This exciting book makes a clear and unashamed call for Christians to develop a positive worldview, a committed and disciplined walk of faith; and a consistent, overcoming lifestyle.