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Love Looks Like Fatherhood

June 16, 2024 • Chris Vessey

As believers, it’s critical we step into the light of God, follow his commands and train ourselves in spiritual health so we can see generations come though in faith. But it’s not that easy is it… listen more to find out how we can step up and stand out, especially as men of God on Father’s Day.


June 16, 2024 • Ben Morris

Jesus is... Focused. Maybe not the most talked about attribute but He was maybe the most focused man to ever live. We talk about how He’s focused on the Father, focused on His purpose and focused on the present! Warning balloon popping noises

The Heavenly Realms

June 9, 2024 • David Lyon

Paul's instructions to the Corinthians concerning their gatherings together (1 Corinthians chs 11 to 14) can only really be understood in the context of God's longing to see the church displaying His “manifold wisdom…to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms” (Eph 3:10). But what does this mean? What are these “heavenly realms”? Who are these “rulers and authorities”? And how does the church make known God’s wisdom? Join us we consider some of these vital supernatural dimensions of our gatherings!…

Talking With God

June 2, 2024 • Lisa Graves, Alex Graves

God has so much to say to us. The question is are we listening? Alex and Lisa share some really practical ways we can can all position ourselves to stop, look and listen so we hear all God has to say to us, no matter what our age.

Each One Has...

June 2, 2024

Paul’s expectation when we gather is that each one has something to bring to bless their Christian brothers and sisters.  Let’s hear from 5 different people on how they prepare to share and contribute in our various church gatherings.

Power Walking

June 2, 2024 • Phil Chapman, Sharon Chapman

Continuing our ‘Walk This Way’ series, we talk about walking in the power of baptism in water and baptism in the Holy Spirit. We need to be baptised in water and in the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38)! Both of these baptisms are powerful, for every Christian, and vital for our ongoing walk as we follow Jesus and walk His way. Join us for some power walking together!

The Rest Is History

May 26, 2024 • Benj Lyon

Jesus describes himself as Lord of the Sabbath and encourages us to find "rest for our souls" in Him. As we continue to learn how to outwork a Kingdom culture in our day-to-day lives, we look at what real rest looks like and how we can find a rhythm of rest. We live in a culture of restlessness but as we choose to walk like Jesus we can learn to resist restlessness and instead enjoy a rest for our souls.

The Gatherings of the Church

May 19, 2024 • David Lyon

The gatherings of the church are full of power and potential and in this short message we look at some of the important aspects of and how we gather together every member can Prepare and play their part when we do so.

The Centurion

May 19, 2024 • Stephen Russell

Whatever we face? - JESUS is the answer! Ask and He will come! He (the Centurion) knew where to come. We also need to “know” this, many times we try to do things in our own strength - We can be so quick not to seek Jesus first. I can sort this in my own power, with the counsel of others, my own ability, sometimes we feel like God will hold it against us if we "constantly" pester Him? But Centurion "knew" that Jesus was the answer. To often we wait until we get to "crisis management" He wants us to "share" our lives with Him. This is the way He wants us to walk.

Proclaiming His Death

May 12, 2024 • Mike Shuter

We’re in 1 Corinthians 11 during our Love builds up series so let’s use the opportunity to dig deeper into the lessons of how not to break bread! We’ll look at some context of the scripture and then think about the importance of unity around the table, judgement around the table and proclamation from the table.

Lessons on Living in Liberty

April 28, 2024 • Richard Jones

What does it truly mean to be free as a Christian? In 1 Corinthians 10 the Apostle Paul gives us a history lesson to help us use our freedom well. Let’s see what he has to say…

How Deep is Your Word?

April 28, 2024 • Christopher Alton

The ‘Parable of the Sower’ (Mt 13:1-9, 18-23) shows us the barriers which can prevent us receiving the Word of the Kingdom (v.19). We can all have places in our hearts which are closed to God’s Word, too shallow for it to take root, or simply find us too preoccupied with cares of this life to produce anything. In this message we consider Jesus’ call to each of us to prepare our hearts for His Word to go down deep, take root, find space in our lives, and by holding fast to it, see a harvest of abundance produced in us and others.

Love Looks Like Action

April 21, 2024 • Seth and Sara-Jane

In this all age service we looked at one characteristic of love referred to in 1 Corinthians. Starting with 1 Corinthians 16:14 we explored the instruction from Paul to the church, to show love in everything we do, in every action and every motivation. This ‘Agape’ (Greek for love) is selfless, sacrificial, unconditional and is not based in feelings or emotion. Looking at the example Jesus set in John 13:1-14 & verses 34-35 we saw true humility, the serving of others and how Jesus encouraged us to do the same. This is how others that don’t know Jesus would see us reflect him! We were encouraged to be ‘refreshers’, like those in 1 Corinthians 16:18 were described. That is to refresh those around us, to show kindness and compassion through our actions and not just words. We are to; See the very best in others Seek the very best for others And serve with our very best, for others

Step Into His Story

April 21, 2024 • Sharon Chapman

For our all-together gathering in April we step into Jesus’ story, taking a whistle-stop tour through some amazing parts of Mark Gospel, to follow Jesus and see how we can live like Jesus did. Jesus, filled with the Holy Spirit and with power, went around doing good, healing people and setting people free (Acts 10:38). He promised His followers that they too would receive the Holy Spirit and power to carry on spreading the good news of Jesus and His Kingdom - and that includes us! Step into His story with us and look out for some exciting encounters with Jesus, a surprise song and a calendar challenge. Walk this Way!

Entrustments & Obligations - 1 Corinthians 9

April 14, 2024 • David Lyon

In chapter 9 of 1 Corinthians, the apostle Paul deals with the issue of financial support (v1-14), explains his passion to reach the lost (v15-23) and describes how he stays focussed and self-controlled (v24-27). Throughout the chapter we discover various obligations we have because of the good things we've been entrusted with. In this message we focus on three of these: the need to handle the Scriptures properly; the urgency and simplicity of our mission; and the importance of staying on track as we run our race. These things are so vital in the church today, and this message will help you think about how you can be faithful in each area.