
Fellowship - Doing Life Together

May 5, 2024 • Andy Arscott • 2 Corinthians 13:14

Fellowship of the Holy Spirit means sharing everything  each day with the Holy Spirit - doing life with Him.

If you were walking around the town with a rare coin worth 10 thousand pounds in your pocket I bet you would stop every now and again to check you still had it. So with us, we need to practice the presence of the Holy Spirit often during our day.

In your car why not - as you press the starter - speak in tongues. At a red light perhaps pray for someone e in your homegroup. If someone shares a need or a problem they're going through, don't say you'll pray for them, pray for then then and there!! In the street, in a shop, in the church at coffee time. 

As you rise to start the day why not say 'Good morning, Lord' 

Last thing at night, during the night.

Do life with the Holy Spirit!