
Authority Compromised

January 22, 2023 • Pastor Richie Box

How the Truth Sets you Free

February 26, 2023 • Pastor Richie Box

Believers are engaged in a cataclysmic battle against evil powers and world rulers of this present darkness. Last week we learned we have the authority to Stand-Firm based on Jesus’ victory! How do we battle this unseen enemy?

Kingdom Authority: The Believer's Authority

February 19, 2023 • Pastor Richie Box • John 1:12

As followers of Jesus, our authority rests on the mandate to surrender and serve Him. We are people under His authority. What does the Bible say about the authority of the believer as a result of our union with Christ? There is much.

God's Authority? Or Satan's Rebellion?

February 12, 2023 • Pastor Richie Box

There are 2 principles by which we can rule our lives.   We cannot serve God and at the same time, go the way of rebellion. Today we’ll look at how these two life-principles played out in Numbers 16 and how we can stay in-line with God’s Authority