
Love First

Revelation 2:1–7

May 17, 2020 • Darryl Williamson

Pastor Darryl Williamson begins our new series in Revelation 2:1–7 “The scariest human situation in all of Scripture and human reality is what we can call ‘deceived righteousness’—when I look at myself and perceive a sort of righteousness, and others look at me and see righteousness, but God looks at me and sees self-righteousness.” Pastor Darryl

Behold, The Worthy Lamb

July 12, 2020 • Jon Aragon

Jon Aragon continues ends our series in Revelation 5 — It’s one thing to wonder if someone else’s freedom is worth fighting for. But when you identify with that someone and commune with them, that’s when it’s no longer a question. You fight and you press ahead. Is that not what God did for you and for me? Christ’s worthiness is connected to what he did. To the world, a slain lamb looks like failure, but not to us. Why would you want to identify with weakness, a lamb? The cross of Christ is foolishness to a fallen world. God will use weakness to shame the proud.

A Hurting People

July 5, 2020 • Dave Saville

John writes Rev. 4 pastorally to hurting people, to people up to their eyeballs dealing with culture and their own sin. They need a window into some greater reality that is meant to affect their hearts and not just tickle their imagination.

Do You See?

June 28, 2020 • Darryl Williamson

This letter from Jesus is a highly contextualized letter to the church in Laodicea. But we get through this letter what a truly successful church looks like and what it doesn’t look like. In so many ways, this letter is a church revitalization letter.