Online Movie Gathering with Kenneth and Nana

January 11, 2025 • Kenneth Clifford, Nana Bregvadze

Join Kenneth Clifford & Nana Bregvadze for this Saturday's online movie gathering! This week's theme is: Love or a Call for Love. ❤️ Get cozy and enjoy a heart-opening experience with this beautiful Spirit-guided movie about defenselessness, trust and answering the call for Love.

You can join this online movie gathering for a full experience. In these gatherings, movies are used as a way to get in touch with our emotions, thoughts, and beliefs so that we can release all that is in the way of experiencing the Love we truly are. It's a fun way to practice true forgiveness!

You can also sign up for a membership subscription and receive access to the replays:



Every Saturday

Start: 10:00 a.m. Mexico Time (convert time)

End: 1:00 p.m. Mexico Time (approx)

Find more information in the links below.