
The Wisdom of God

Message 7

Derek Thomas

The perplexing reality of pain and suffering makes us ask the question, "Where can wisdom be found?" In this lesson, Dr. Thomas recounts Job's asking this question and his answer, "in the Lord."

Job, Satan, & God

Derek Thomas

The book of Job begins by introducing us to its three most significant characters: Job, Satan, and God. In this lesson, Dr. Thomas explores the difficulty of Job's suffering, Satan's involvement, and God's sovereignty.

Pain & Suffering

Derek Thomas

God permitted Satan to attack Job's family and his wealth. Satan then set his aim on Job's health. In this lesson, Dr. Thomas engages with the difficult subject of pain and suffering in the life of the believer.

The Dark Night of the Soul

Derek Thomas

The third chapter of the book of Job is one of the darkest chapters in the Bible. In the midst of his suffering, Job begins to curse the day he was born. In this lesson, Dr. Thomas explores the dark imagery Job uses to describe his suffering and how we are to understand it as Christians.