Is Christianity a religion of time-less truths? If so then did Jesus have a real birthday? In this series entitled "The Coming of the Messiah," Dr. Sproul traces the biblical history of the Messiah, and the perennial controversies that always seem to follow; beginning with this message entitled “In the Fullness of Time.”
The First Announcement
R.C. Sproul
We have good news and bad news. The good news is that God has announced that He will put enmity between the woman and the serpent. But just as God gave a promise, He also gave a curse in the Garden. In this message entitled "The First Announcement," Dr. Sproul explains the good and bad news of the gospel.
A Virgin Shall Conceive
R.C. Sproul
Is our belief in the virgin birth really essential to the Christian faith, or just a matter of personal interpretation? Does “virgin” really mean "virgin"? In this message entitled "A Virgin Shall Conceive," Dr. Sproul shows there was no room for doubt in the minds of Mary and the angel Gabriel concerning the miraculous nature of the conception and birth of the Son of God.
The King Shall Come
R.C. Sproul
In this Advent message entitled "The King Shall Come," Dr. Sproul shows that the success of our King is not based on a piece of land, or anything else in creation, but on Himself.
A Small Town: A Great King
R.C. Sproul
We long to have experienced that first Christmas night. Through songs such as "O Come All Ye Faithful" and "Silent Night," and others, we take musical pilgrimages back to Bethlehem to visit with Mary, Joseph, and the shepherds on that holy night. In this message entitled "A Small Town: A Great King," Dr. Sproul takes us on a guided tour through Scripture to Bethlehem to meet the newborn King.
The Wrath of God
Steven Lawson
While many people prefer not to think about the wrath of God, the Bible does not hesitate to speak of it. In Scripture, God’s wrath serves as a warning to unbelievers and a reason for holy living for His people. In this message, Dr. Lawson looks at the nature and necessity of God’s wrath, and the many different ways that it is shown in Scripture.
The Foreknowledge of God
Steven Lawson
Foreknowledge is an often misunderstood and maligned concept. But many assumptions about its meaning are unbiblical. In this lesson, Dr. Lawson disabuses false notions of foreknowledge and examines what the text of Scripture actually teaches.
The Love of God
Steven Lawson
Love is a word that is frequently thrown around without consideration of what it truly means. It is often thought of as feeling or attraction, but Scripture provides a much more profound understanding of what love is. Furthermore, it is God's love that provides the exemplar for all derivative forms of love. In this lesson, Dr. Lawson explores the depths of God's love, which is an infinite and eternally self-giving love.
The Grace of God
Steven Lawson
When asked to summarize the law, Jesus responded that one must love God and neighbor. Considering the grace of God ought to help believers fulfill both commandments. God's grace should both flood one's heart with thankfulness and love for Him, and also provide the model for how we should treat our neighbor. In this lesson, Dr. Lawson uncovers the extent of God's grace, which is seen most clearly in the salvation accomplished in His Son.
The Goodness of God
Steven Lawson
It is not uncommon for those who face pain and hardship in this life to doubt the goodness of God. But the clear message of Scripture is that God is uniquely good, and that He is the measure for everything we call good. Considered together with His wisdom and power, Christians can be assured that God not only desires to reveal His goodness, but is able to accomplish His good plan in the best possible way. In this lesson, Dr. Lawson explores what it means to say that God is good, and how His goodness is operative in the world.
The Wisdom of God
Steven Lawson
The thought that the brutal execution of a Jewish man in first-century Palestine could be the means by which God brings salvation to mankind is considered foolishness by the world. But it was in this very event that God demonstrated His infinite and unsearchable wisdom. In this message, Dr. Lawson provides a biblical definition of wisdom and examines God's wisdom in creation, providence, and salvation.
The Truthfulness of God
Steven Lawson
In an age when truth is often seen as entirely subjective, the Bible's presentation of a God whose truthfulness is absolute and objective stands in stark contrast. Moreover, the claim that this God has spoken truth in sacred Scripture stands the wisdom of this world on its head. In this lesson, Dr. Lawson examines several aspects of the truthfulness of God, showing why it is such a radical and countercultural view to hold in today's world.
The Immutability of God
Steven Lawson
It is hard for anyone to go a day, even an hour, without changing in some way. Our thoughts and emotions are in a constant state of flux. Even our greatest desires and plans change over time. God, however, never changes His mind or His course of action in the world. He is an immovable rock, a mighty fortress, and the only sure anchor in an ever-changing world. In this lesson, Dr. Lawson explores the biblical view of God's immutability, showing how His character, Word, plan, and salvation never change.
The Omnipotence of God
Steven Lawson
Like all of His attributes, God's omnipotence is co-extensive with His being. There is no area of the universe where He is not exerting His power. From a blade of grass to the stars of the sky, everything and everyone is dependent upon His immeasurable power for its existence. In this lesson, Dr. Lawson explores the nature and extent of this incomprehensible power.
The Omniscience of God
Steven Lawson
When reflecting on the limited capacity of the human mind, it is difficult to fathom a being who knows everything perfectly. There are some today who would limit God's knowledge, arguing that it interferes with the free choices of individuals, but this runs counter to the clear and consistent teaching of Scripture. In this message, Dr. Lawson considers what it means to affirm that God is omniscient and why this aspect of His character is essential to our understanding of who He is.