
Looking for God's Will

October 1, 2018 • R.C. Sproul

Which job should I take? Where should I move? Who should I marry? Although the Bible helps us make wise decisions, it can be difficult to apply it to these life-changing choices. Listen on Renewing Your Mind this week as R.C. Sproul explains how to discover your calling.

Click “View Today's Resource Offer” above to request your copy of R.C. Sproul’s series Knowing God’s Will on CD for a donation of any amount.

Why We Trust the Bible

June 27, 2022 • Stephen Nichols

Where would we be if we didn’t have the Bible? Over the next several days on Renewing Your Mind, Stephen Nichols explains that we would be lost without God’s Word, trapped in the darkness of sin forever. Rather than forsake us, God sent His Son, revealing and recording His redemptive purposes in an inspired, inerrant, and authoritative source: the Bible. This raises a crucial question: Will we accept Scripture’s authority? Click “View Today’s Resource Offer” above to request your DVD copy of Why We Trust the Bible for a donation of any amount.

The Heavenly Throne Room

March 21, 2022 • W. Robert Godfrey

Trumpets, beasts, and a thousand-year reign—the book of Revelation often generates curiosity and confusion. Do these visions have any meaning for us today? This week on Renewing Your Mind, W. Robert Godfrey guides us through sections of the book of Revelation, showing that this book is more than a mere puzzle book—it is a help for us in the here and now. When it seems that the enemy is winning and opposition to the church is closing in, Revelation reminds us of our blessed hope: Jesus Christ has risen, He is reigning, and soon He will return. On that day, all things will be made new. Click “View Today's Resource Offer” above to request your copy of Blessed Hope: The Book of Revelation on DVD for a donation of any amount.

The Goodness of God

March 7, 2022

Misconceptions about God are everywhere, but they don’t have to be. The Lord has revealed His character in His Word, illuminating the attributes that define who He is. This week on Renewing Your Mind, Steven Lawson provides a biblical understanding of several divine attributes, showing how a right understanding of who God is can affect every aspect of our lives. Click “View Today's Resource Offer” above to request your copy of The Attributes of God on DVD for a donation of any amount.