
The Ignition Ministries Podcast

7 Warnings for Believers

March 4, 2024 • Pastor Josh Cunningham, Melissa Gaona

Christians are not immune to sin and still possess the ability to "drift away" according to the book of Hebrews. Think about bitterness that lives inside a Believer...if it goes un-surrendered it will have detrimental damage, not only inside the Christian, but carry wide-range effects on an entire church body. So, how does drifting happen to someone who is saved? The author of Hebrews had a heart for discipleship and ministry which is why it is filled with many warnings for Christians. In this episode, Melissa Gaona and Pastor Josh break down seven warnings for believers and dig into the scriptures for answers. 

Fighting a battle you can't see

February 7, 2024 • Melissa Gaona, Kathy Harris

Whether you believe in Jesus or not, life comes with problems. The most important fight we will face is not physical or mental; it is spiritual. How are you fighting your battles? Often times, we fight the wrong way, with the wrong weapons, and in our own power. When we make the decision to follow Christ, we are graciously given spiritual gifts to fight every battle. While we can not predict the outcome, in the end, we still get the victory through Jesus. 1 Corinthians 10:3-5 "For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ," Get your tickets to Warrior Women 2024 on March 23rd at https://http://www.ticketmaster.com/event/01005f549097295b

What's wrong with yoga? Part Two

January 21, 2024 • Melissa Gaona, Saralynn Hamilton

Despite the fact that yoga is a historical Hindu spiritual practice, many Christians take part for its physical benefits. So does this make it okay? Can you have one without the other? Melissa is joined by former yoga expert, Saralyn Hamilton, to share her powerful testimony "Christian Yoga to Christ Alone." Saralyn discusses the attraction to yoga, what the poses actually mean, and the moment God spoke and gave her a great conviction over it. **From Saralyn Hamilton: "The Lord opened my eyes to the truth about spiritual warfare. He taught me how to listen to His voice. He gifted me with spiritual healing. And He opened my eyes to the truth about yoga. Please know that this is my conviction and I never want to throw it on someone else. I ask that if this has you in question, go to the Lord and read the Scriptures." https://ignitionministries.org/

What's wrong with yoga? Part One

January 18, 2024 • Melissa Gaona

Despite the fact that yoga is a historical Hindu spiritual practice, many Christians take part for its physical benefits. So does this make it okay? Can you have one without the other? Melissa is joined by former yoga expert, Saralyn Hamilton, to share her powerful testimony "Christian Yoga to Christ Alone." Saralyn discusses the attraction to yoga, what the poses actually mean, and the moment God spoke and gave her a great conviction over it. **From Saralyn Hamilton: "The Lord opened my eyes to the truth about spiritual warfare. He taught me how to listen to His voice. He gifted me with spiritual healing. And He opened my eyes to the truth about yoga. Please know that this is my conviction and I never want to throw it on someone else. I ask that if this has you in question, go to the Lord and read the Scriptures." https://ignitionministries.org

Can Christians Have Fun? Part Two

January 5, 2024 • Melissa Gaona, Pastor Josh Cunningham, Logan Sherrill

There are some who view christianity as boring and the bible as just a set of rules. While following Jesus requires self-denial and greater responsibility, it is far from dull and unfulfilling. Melissa and Pastor Josh sit down with Logan and Taylor Sherrill to discuss their own personal testimonies on the subject. Pain, tragedy, and letdown are inevitable. But when we are truly living a life for Christ, it is the most rewarding and purpose-filled journey one will experience...and the rewards are eternal!

Can Christians Have Fun? Part One

December 31, 2023 • Pastor Josh Cunningham, Melissa Gaona

There are some who view christianity as boring and the bible as just a set of rules. While following Jesus requires self-denial and greater responsibility, it is far from dull and unfulfilling. Melissa and Pastor Josh sit down with Logan and Taylor Sherrill to discuss their own personal testimonies on the subject. Pain, tragedy, and letdown are inevitable . But when we are truly living a life for Christ, it is the most rewarding and purpose-filled journey one will experience...and the rewards are eternal!

What's so merry about Christmas?

December 15, 2023

Is Christmas a pagan holiday? Why even celebrate? The world portrays the Christmas culture as a time for gifts, family, and food. While none of these things are "bad", they can still leave one feeling let down, lonely, and unsatisfied. Depression numbers increase around this time of year. Is that a coincidence, or is there a real enemy attacking us when we are most vulnerable? Melissa Gaona and Pastor Josh discuss the true meaning of Christmas and how Jesus understands our grief, hears our cries, and can turn our pain into true joy!

Family, Fishing, & Faith: A Conversation With My Brother

December 4, 2023 • Melissa Gaona, Larry Gaona

Jesus loved to use fishermen in the Bible! When Jesus first met Peter and Andrew they were fishing. Jesus approached them and said, "Follow Me and I will make you fishers of men." Melissa Gaona sits down with her brother, expert fisherman, and founder of a popular YouTube channel 'Set That Hook' to discuss family, fishing, and faith.

Darkness Defined

November 21, 2023 • Melissa Gaona, Pastor Josh Cunningham

If the bible says we should have no fellowship with darkness, it's important to know how to identify darkness. From the very beginning in Genesis chapter 1, we see God separating darkness from light. If we live in a dark world, how do we overcome darkness? The truth is, some of us do not realize we're in the dark. Others need a solution but they turn to the wrong power source. The only thing that will overpower darkness is LIGHT. Jesus said of Himself, "I am the light of the world."

Christians and Halloween

November 1, 2023 • Melissa Gaona, Pastor Josh

Whether Christians choose to celebrate Halloween or not, it seems to be a controversial decision either way. As followers of Jesus, we must determine if we are walking as a chosen race who are representing the light, or are we walking in fellowship with darkness? What can we take away from the Word of God? Melissa and Josh discuss how they spent the day and why their family decided not to take part in the traditional festivities.

Run the Race

October 17, 2023 • Melissa Gaona, Pastor Josh Cunningham • 1 Corinthians 9:24

We can all relate to running a race; there's a prize and there's a winner. Along the way, there are obstacles, but a runner will condition themselves if they want to finish well. All of these things parallel to our spiritual race. Except in this race, it's more like a marathon and our prize is imperishable! The Bible says we must lay aside every weight and sin that so easily clings to us. How do you run the spiritual race and do it victoriously?

Following your heart

October 4, 2023 • Pastor Josh Cunningham, Melissa Gaona

Our entire lives we've heard the saying 'follow your heart'. However, the more we get to know our Heavenly Father the more we realize that all of our worldly wisdom is off. It's wrong. In Jeremiah 11:8, we see that the heart is evil and we're advised to not follow it because it leads us astray. In Jeremiah 12:9-10, the Lord is telling Jeremiah following your heart is prideful. In Jeremiah 4:4, the Lord talks about circumcising the heart to illustrate a radical change in the total inner being. Our hearts are sick and if we want true direction we must follow Jesus, our Healer.

God is more concerned about our heart

September 25, 2023

A whirlwind of a weekend traveling to a destination wedding came with a stop in the emergency room. While in excruciating pain, Melissa begs God to heal her arm....God wanted to heal her heart for a bigger assignment. Being a child of God is not an easy task. It comes with warfare, persecution, and getting uncomfortable. But joy and hope in Jesus through hardship is unmatched! God has an assignment for His kids and in order to execute we don't need a good arm, we need a pure heart!

Boundaries, wisdom, and pumpkin spice

September 5, 2023 • Melissa Gaona, Pastor Josh

Random fact: Studies show women like hot showers and men are not the best listeners. So, Melissa surprises her husband with a quiz. The Bible says true wisdom comes at a cost. What's the purpose of wisdom outside of God? Whether it's relationships, career, talents, or hobbies, what is the impact we're hoping for if it does not lead to eternal life? The Bible says it's all for the glory of God! Melissa shares her struggle with biblical boundaries, while Pastor Josh is frustrated stores run out of pumpkin spice in early September.

Taking every thought captive

August 14, 2023 • Melissa Gaona, Pastor Josh

The battle is often won or lost in the mind. The Bible tell us to take every thought into captivity and make it obedient to Christ. But how do we put this into action? Melissa and Josh discuss how to discern between the voice of God and the voice of the enemy as well as some practical takeaways to put 2 Corinthian 10:5 into action.