
The Fight for Peace

May 5, 2024 • Pastor Bruce

The peace of God ruling in our hearts and minds doesn't automatically happen because we are born-again believers. There is a fight of faith that we must win to maintain His peace. Our mind and our heart is constantly attacked by the enemy's thoughts. We must resist him and use our faith in God and His word to live free from worry and trouble. Jesus said that in the world, we would face tribulation, but He didn't say that we had to be tribulated.

The Place of Peace

April 28, 2024 • Pastor Bruce • Psalm 91

The peace that Jesus gives us is greater than the trouble all around us. We take hold of His peace by faith and resist the daily troubles that come against us. God designed us to live in a place of peace where we have no thought of fear, worry, or depression. We will say of the Lord, He is our refuge and our fortress!

Instead of Worry

April 21, 2024 • Pastor Bruce • Philippians 4:6–9

Worry, stress, and fear are common to all of us. We face it daily. But God has provided His peace so that we can walk in constant freedom from fear, worry, and stress. Courage is required to take God at His word so that we walk in the peace of God instead of worry, fear, and stress.

Choose Peace

April 14, 2024 • Pastor Bruce • Isaiah 26:3–4, John 14:27

No matter what is happening in the world around us, Jesus is our peace. His peace is stronger and greater than anything that will ever come against us. He surrounds us and guards over us with His supernatural peace when we resist fear and take His peace by faith. We are not moved by what we see or hear!