Streamed Live on February 25, 2024:
Many great Christian scholars throughout history have regarded the Book of Romans as the book to be studied in the New Testament. This book is considered one of the most important theological documents in the literary and biblical canon.
Martin Luther said the Book of Romans was the most important part of the New Testament, and the central premise, justification by faith alone, was the doctrine on which the church rises and falls.
The study of the Book of Romans has been behind almost every major awakening in Christian history. The Study of this book launched the Protestant Reformation in the 16th century under Martin Luther and John Calvin. The Study of this book launched the Great Awakening with Jonathan Edwards and John Wesley.
There is a logical case that Paul lays out for why the gospel and the gospel alone is the answer to humanity’s problems, and he shows us what the implications of the gospel are for every area of our lives. Romans is the clearest, most in-depth look at the gospel in all of scripture.
The book is not just written to explain the gospel to unbelievers; it’s primarily written to Christians to take Christians deeper into the gospel.
Today we take a look at Chapters 13 and 14
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