Pastor Jeff talks God's Plan For Your Life and really drives home the truth that this applies to ALL! God sent Jesus so ALL could live the life they were meant to live, now and forever!
Pastor Jeff wraps up our series on God's Plan For Your Life looking at 5 parts of God's Shalome Plan for your life- Salvation, communion. security, stability, and community.
Remember the Future Now
January 29, 2023 • Jason Wilson • Ephesians 3:18–19
Pastor Jason talks about how our story is now His story. Through our calling, inheritance, and the power at work in us, we can celebrate now the glorious future to come!
Worth and Value
January 8, 2023 • Jeff Wilson
Pastor Jeff starts our series by speaking on how it is so important for us to understand our value to God. God showed us what we are worth to him on the cross and we can stand firmly in who we are in Jesus.