
Thy Kingdom Come

Healing Like Jesus

June 27, 2021 • Bryan Finley

Using the story of Jesus healing a blind man, this message will equip you with the step by step method we use to heal the sick, just like Jesus! Specifically, the 5 Step healing model that has been used to heal thousands of people will be presented & explained. This message closes by inviting everyone present to "practice" the healing model right there in the room!

Supernatural Community

June 20, 2021 • Bryan Finley

Courageous faith never minimizes pain or is dismissive of a person's chronic plight. Courageous faith is courageous precisely BECAUSE of that reality. A faith that unconditionally accepts a person's condition of suffering under the pretentious guise of compassion is certainly not the faith of Jesus. It is in fact, the pseudo-faith of a powerless & dead religion that seeks to control & manipulate the suffering as a way to keep itself in business. Compassion ALONE is not always a vehicle to a miracle. The captive described in Acts 3, that paralyzed man, was invited to walk. He didn't have to. He could have remained by that gate forever begging for coin. But he chose, despite what religion told him, or even his own withered legs demanded, he chose to WALK. Was it his choosing that made the miracle happen? Was it Peter's words? Was it Jesus? The answer, swirling in a supernatural mysterious haze is likely on all points: YES. This message unearths some powerful revelation regarding this account and the three types of people described: The Captive. The Believer. The Disciple.

Miracles On Mission

June 13, 2021 • Bryan Finley

Why does the church see so little of the miraculous? So few healings? So few signs and wonders? Could it be that we are not proclaiming the same gospel in the same way as Jesus and His original disciples? This message provides compelling evidence that healings and miracles happen the most while believers are on mission, continuing the mission of Jesus. Healings and miracles are a way to demonstrate the reality of the kingdom of God and the truth of the gospel to produce faith in those who witness or experience it. This means that the miraculous should happen the most frequently among those who are not Christians at all. Those who have no faith at all. Be inspired and equipped to step out in boldness as the early church to share and demonstrate the kingdom of God to invite everyone to believe and enjoy salvation in Jesus Christ!

Thy Will Be Done

June 6, 2021 • Bryan Finley

Many times, when the topic of healing, trials, blessings, is taught, the phrase “God is sovereign” will come up. While we can agree with this phrase wholeheartedly, it seems that people have different ideas about what this phrase actually means. We love to say "God is in control" but what are the implications of this? Does this mean God approves of the evil in the world, natural disasters and human tragedies? This message will examine what sovereignty means in general, and then look at how that applies to God and to us as believers.

Kingdom Authority

May 30, 2021 • Bryan Finley

The fictional character, Barney Fife, is a perfect example of what it means to have real authority, but unable to confidently walk in it. The kingdom authority we have been given by Jesus is similar in this regard for many of us. Even though we have the same authority as Jesus Himself, we lack the experience and confidence to walk in that authority, and enforcing the will and purpose of heaven in our every day lives. This message will explain kingdom authority and how you can exercise and grow in it!

The Gospel Of Jesus

May 16, 2021 • Bryan Finley

What is the gospel of Jesus? As we study the four gospel narratives, what we discover is that Jesus repeatedly shared the "good news" of the arrival of the kingdom of God. This "kingdom" is the rule and reign of God, that Jesus was not only the messenger of, but also the KING of. This sermon explains the gospel of the kingdom as proclaimed by Jesus!

Our Kingdom Story

May 23, 2021 • Bryan Finley

One of the overarching themes of the Bible is the kingdom of God. It is a lens through which we can make sense of the larger story of the Bible and how we fit into that story. This message traces how we humans received kingdom authority from God, how we lost it, how Jesus restored it and what we are now to do with it. You will gain a greater appreciation for what Christ has accomplished and be in awe of the vast authority He has entrusted to all of us!