
Was That God?

October 2, 2024 • Wendy Anger • Galatians 5:16–18, Romans 8:14–15, Romans 7:14—8:1, John 10:27, 1 Samuel 16:1–13

Pastor Wendy Anger invites us on a journey of discovering God’s voice and being led by the spirit. As born again believers we have the advantage of the Holy Spirit living inside of us to guide and direct us. Knowing for sure that God is speaking to us, that we hear from Him and we follow His voice.

Walking in the Spirit is a powerful journey rooted in God's Word. As you read His Word, you'll begin to recognize His voice, discerning His lead from what is not of Him. The foundation of this walk is simple: God is good, and Satan is bad. Satan seeks to steal, kill, and destroy, but everything we speak should reflect God's goodness, bringing encouragement. Settle in your heart that any thought contradicting God's goodness is invalid. Walking in the Spirit is about hearing from God and allowing Him to lead you.

Praying in the Spirit, including speaking in tongues, brings wisdom and clarity. While it may feel like nothing is happening initially, as you persist, God’s promptings become clearer. It's a mighty force, and by giving God the opportunity through prayer, you’ll see His direction unfold. Spending time in His Word and fellowship with other believers is key to sharing testimonies and encouraging one another.

Take a cue from 12-year-old Jesus, who spent time in the temple asking questions and growing in wisdom and favor with God and man. As you immerse yourself in the Word, God’s voice will become familiar, and He will not lead you astray. The benefits of walking in the Spirit include prosperity, financial provision, and freedom from stress and anxiety. Even when it feels mechanical, declaring God’s truth over your situation will transform your heart as you begin to believe it.

God cannot direct you unless you are moving. He leads step by step, just as He guided Samuel in anointing a new king. Don't stumble at God's promises—count Him faithful. Let peace be your compass, and pursue love in all you do. For every situation, there is a word and a promise. Don’t focus on the problem, but on the Word, the light, and Jesus.