
Supply & Demand

June 19, 2024 • Keith Thomas, Randall Barrington • Matthew 6:25–34, Ephesians 4:17–18, Philemon 6, Psalm 23, Psalm 91:1–13

In “Supply & Demand,” Keith Thomas and Randall Barrington teach on the transformative truth that God's supply always exceeds the world's demand. They explore how the Kingdom of God operates under the principle of abundant supply, in contrast to the economy of demand that governs the world.

Key Points:

- Understand that God's supply is always present, and it is always more than the demand.

- Recognize that supply starts from within you, through the grace and power of God.

- Learn to adopt the language of the Kingdom,

- Discover the secret to living in the overflow of God's provision by seeking His Kingdom first.

- Understand how to acknowledge and allow the good things God has deposited within you.

- Explore the benefits of the cross and the peace that comes from being in union with Christ.

- Cultivate a mindset of abundance and defeat the fear that holds you back.

- Forsake unrighteous thinking and embrace the truth of your righteous standing in Christ.

- Understand that faith is great confidence in the Father's willingness and ability, while fear is great confidence in Satan's willingness and ability.

Unlock the fullness of God's supply in your life and experience the freedom and provision that comes from walking in His grace. Dive into this transformative message and let it empower you to thrive in the Kingdom of God.

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