
After Your Heart

Summer Soiree Week 1

May 28, 2017 • Nirup Alphonse

Jesus had a way of breaking down barriers when He would sit in parties with people. But He never pursued people to win an argument but rather He was after their hearts. In this message, Pastor Nirup uses a story where Jesus is at a party and uses the scene around Him to guide people into a life of Gospel humility.

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The Faithful Father

June 25, 2017 • Nirup Alphonse

The parable known as "The Prodigal Son" is one of the most well known stories. And while the story does indeed speak to the life of a young man, it is much more about a faithful father. In this message, Pastor Nirup will unpack this timely parable and reveal a profound truth that is a power reality to be experience.

The Heart Of Heaven

June 18, 2017 • Nirup Alphonse

Jesus had a unique method and message in His ministry. It often made the religious elite feel uncomfortable, but to those who needed hope the most, Jesus brought just that. In this message Pastor Nirup takes a parable of Jesus and shows us how the words of Jesus are more than just a good story, but an invitation into the heart of heaven.

Chasing The One

June 11, 2017 • Dave Meserve

Jesus had a unique way of speaking to any audience. In this message, guest teacher Dave Meserve shows us how Jesus used an occasion to teach a parable. This parable reveals the heart of Jesus and how he cares deeply our lives.