
We Are The Future.

This Is A Move. Week 1

September 8, 2019 • Nirup Alphonse

In Matthew 16 Jesus makes a profound statement that He is building His church. It seems from the time He ascended into heaven, God was creating a glorious new future and He decided He would do it through this church. In this first message of our series Pastor Nirup teaches on this text and how the future we look forward to is already here and how we as the church are called to experience it.

The People of Prescence

October 27, 2019 • Trevor Maggart

The definitive trait of God’s people has always been his presence. As God’s people, we must center the entirety of our being around engaging with and calling others into this presence. It has been, and must always be, the church’s distinctive.

The Future Is Ours

October 20, 2019 • Nirup Alphonse

The church of the future will not be obsessed with entertaining a crowd but deploying a force. As the people of God, we are called to action. To make disciples as we go, at work, at a coffee shop, at school, wherever that applies. That is the future of the church and it is the call to action in each of our lives.

The Voice of the Future

October 13, 2019 • Nirup Alphonse

What the world needs today is a church that has a prophetic voice - a church and people who have a vision of the future and boldly proclaim it the world. In this message Pastor Nirup challenges the church to reclaim the voice it was given by the Lord Jesus.