
The Assurance of Proximity

PROXIMITY, Week 2 (Easter at LIFEGATE)

April 12, 2020 • Nirup Alphonse

The Good News of the Gospel is not that Jesus came to make bad people good but to make dead people alive. God loves you. Because He loves you He sent His Son Jesus to invite you into life with him.

Jesus Christ is the Son of God who lived a perfect life and died on the cross for your sins. He was buried in a tomb but three days later He walked out defeating sin and death. In His resurrection, He offers you a new life in God. This decision to believe is not simply to acknowledge it but to begin the journey of walking with Jesus every day. It is an invitation to surrender your life to Him.

Do you believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross and rose from the dead and through Him, you can have life? Do you believe He is calling you to walk with Him?


The Purpose of Proximity

May 24, 2020 • Nirup Alphonse

Who am I? Why am I here? What does this all mean? Where am I going? These are the four central questions of life that have been asked for centuries. They hold within them the quest for meaning, morality, purpose, pleasure, desire, understanding and destiny. To these questions Jesus enters the human story not simply to answer but to become the answer. The Purpose Of Proximity Is To Bring You Into The Presence Of God Huge thanks to our friends, Passion City Church, for allowing us to use their footage of Ravi Zacharias preaching at their conference. Check out Passion's channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/uczt4tqfazesm_ymql_10dpg

The Goodness of Proximity

May 17, 2020 • Nirup Alphonse

One of the most profound statements Jesus makes is when he says, "I am the good shepherd." This is not simply a remark that Jesus makes off the cuff. Rather, it is a powerful invitation into the protection and provision of God's promise.

Mother's Day at LIFEGATE

May 10, 2020 • Catherine Ojala

Our identity is not in our shortcomings, or our flaws, or the ways that the world defines us. Our Identity is in the Lord. Watch as Catherine takes us through a portion of Ruth and talks about the redemption of our identity.