


March 22, 2020

Welcome to KidsLIFE at LIFEGATE! It may not be our typical Sunday morning routine, but we are excited to bring you some new content to use with your children at home. For the next 4 weeks we will be learning about Jesus’ life as it leads into Easter Sunday. Every Sunday you will find a video along with some discussion questions. Feel free to use as much or as little as you would like. We are praying for you as you navigate this new style of learning. Feel free to reach out to us with any questions. The next 4 weeks are a great opportunity for you and your child to study Easter alongside of each other. Here is some background information for you before you start the video:

The story of Easter is one that started long ago. Before Adam and Eve, Moses or the prophets, God was already hatching a plan to save mankind. Four hundred years after the final words of the Old Testament were written, a baby was born in a manger and a new prophet was given to Israel. The baby in the manger was Jesus; the prophet was his cousin, John the Baptist.

When Jesus was about 30 years old, he began his ministry on earth, which would last for about three years. His cousin John baptized him, and Jesus’ deity was confirmed as the Father spoke from Heaven and the Holy Spirit came down as a dove. This man was no ordinary teacher; Jesus was God in human form.

After Jesus was baptized, he was tested in the wilderness by Satan who urged him to take control of the situation instead of trusting in God’s plan. Jesus answered the Devil with words straight from God.

This week, help your child grasp the greatness of who Jesus was. He was the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy. He was the loved Son of God. He was the sinless Savior. He was the Messiah. He was and is the only One who could bring us to God. And with his arrival, the world would never be the same.