
Does God Tell The Truth?

May 31, 2020 | Toddler

May 31, 2020

Today, your kids will learn:

•God is Truth.
•Even though people may lie to us, God does not.
•Lying is a sin — it is against God’s character.
•We can trust God’s words. What God says is true, so what he teaches through the writers of the Bible is true, too.
•Some parts of the Bible use poetry or word pictures to teach us God’s truth. These word pictures may not be literally true (like that God has feathers — Psalm 91), but what they teach us is true (God protects his children).

Before You Begin:

Read the Bible story (Genesis 17:1-8, 17:15-21 & 21:1-7) and the Memory Verse (Numbers 23:19).

Before the Video:

SAY: Last week we learned about how big God’s love is. We learned that God loves us even when we ? (Let kids fill in the blank.) Remember the story of Peter? What did Jesus do when Peter denied knowing him? That’s right – Jesus told Peter he loved him and worked through Peter to tell the world of his love!

SAY: Would you say that Peter and Jesus were friends? Yes, they were! Do you have a good friend? One of the things that helps people be good friends is by telling the truth to each other. You can’t be a good friend to someone who lies to you all of the time, can you? No! Remember that we talked a few weeks ago about how God is trustworthy. One of the reasons that God is the best friend we can have is because we can trust him and the truths he reveals in the Bible.

SAY: Clive and Ian want to know more about God telling the truth. Let’s see what they learn about God’s honesty.

Watch the video, then click on the Toddler Lesson.