
Advent Devotional December 25th

Advent 2023

December 25, 2023 • Pastor Brandon • Revelation 21:1–8

Merry Christmas! Today's Advent reading and devotional are out of Revelation 21:1-8, looking at God's promise of the new heaven and new earth.

Monday, December 25th family discussion questions:

How does it feel to wake up on Christmas morning?

Parents, talk through the excitement and joy of Christmas morning together as a family. How did your kids feel waking up to that this morning?

What does God promise to us in Revelation 21?

These verses are a picture of God’s promise for our world. We become citizens of God’s kingdom in Jesus, and that kingdom will be fully realized when Jesus returns! The joy we have at Christmas today is a glimpse of what all creation will be in the Kingdom of God!

More from Advent 2023

Advent Devotional December 22nd

December 22, 2023 • Pastor Brandon • John 1:9–14

Today's Advent reading and devotional are out of John 1:9-14, looking at Jesus as the Light of the world. Friday, December 22nd family discussion questions: Do you have a favorite place to go and see the Christmas lights? This question is to get kids thinking about the way we celebrate Christmas with light shining in darkness. Parents, talk through what your kids like about the tradition of Christmas lights. All these traditions celebrate Jesus being the Light of the world! What does it mean for us that Jesus came to be the light of the world? Jesus is the true light that gives light to everyone! The good news of the Gospel is light in darkness. Parents, talk through the basics of the Gospel with your children. What is the darkness Jesus rescues us from? What is changed in us when the light of Jesus comes into our lives? Here are 4 truths of the Gospel in scripture to cover with your kids: God - We were created by God to know Him, but were separated by sin. (Gen 1:26, Romans 1:18-20, Psalms 14:1) US - We are separated from God by our sin and need Him to make a way for us to be saved. (Romans 3:23, 6:23, John 3:3-5, 3:16-18) Jesus - Jesus died on the cross to give us the free gift of salvation (Romans 5:8, 6:23, John 5:24, 14:6) Response - When we believe and follow Jesus we are saved from our sin and live as his disciples. (Matthew 11:28, Romans 10:9-11, Ephesians 2:8-10)

Advent Devotional December 19th

December 19, 2023 • C.J. Cooper • Luke 2:22–40

Today's Advent reading and devotional are out of Luke 2:22-40, looking at the prophecies of Simeon and Anna. Tuesday, December 19th family discussion questions: How does it feel to wait for something? Parents, talk through the feeling of waiting with your kids. Is it hard? Easy? How does it feel when we have to wait longer? How could we wait like Anna did in our verses? Talk through what made Anna’s waiting different from our normal attitude. Is it trust in the person or thing we wait for? Is it a promise from someone trustworthy? Talk through how we can wait like Anna did, with trust and praise for God in our waiting.

Advent Devotional December 15th

December 15, 2023 • Pastor Jeff • Luke 1:57–66

Today's Advent reading and devotional are out of Luke 1:57-66, looking at the birth of John the Baptist. Friday, December 15th family discussion questions: Have you ever been disappointed by something unexpected or different than you planned? Parents, talk through how we feel when things are different than we expect, and how we deal with those feelings. Do unexpected things ever turn out better than we hoped? How did God use the unexpected in the birth of Jesus to be exactly what we need? The birth of Jesus is full of the unexpected! Jesus’ humble birth in a manger, the first visitors being lowly shepherds, this isn’t what we would expect for the birth of God’s Son! Yet God used the unexpected to bring exactly what we needed into the world. Parents, talk through how we can trust God to use the unexpected for our good.