
Capital Campaign Announcement

August 19, 2018 • Steve Forrester

We are excited to launch our Building Life Together capital campaign to see the future home of Life Church Calvert built on our 7.24-acre property on the corner of Routes 2 & 4 and Cox Road in Huntingtown, MD. We have received our project approval and are ready to move forward once we’ve raised the necessary down payment and cash reserve. As we begin this campaign we are already at 40% of our overall goal of $575,000. How amazing is that!

Commitment Sunday is September 16 during our morning worship service. This will be an opportunity for the church to respond to the call by getting involved through prayer and financial support. We know that everyone can commit to pray DAILY for this project. We need to pray. We also believe that everyone can give something towards this project and we ask that you seek the Lord in how you will be involved.

We firmly believe that on Commitment Sunday, as we each submit our Building Life Together Commitment cards, we will receive the necessary pledges to see this vision become a reality. Every pledge that is collected over the next 12 months brings us one step closer to a home for Life Church. Are you ready?