
Released For Purpose

Leading with Vision | Ps Anthony Liebenberg | Release For Purpose Part 3

February 18, 2024 • Ps Anthony Liebenberg • Luke 4:18–19, Proverbs 29:18, Habakkuk 2:2, Romans 14:10, Matthew 12:37

As we continue with our vision for the year and overall our lives, join Pastor Anthony as he gives us the tools to lead our lives with vision. We have all been reached by the gospel of Jesus, He found us and saved us - therefore by that, surely we would want to share that gift with others.  Sharing this gift means that we need to lead. We all have a stewardship responsibility internally and externally. what we have internally will flow out externally and that's why it's important to surrender to God. Our example is Jesus, He led a life of a steward and He was a great leader in speech and in deed.  In Romans 14 verse 11 - 12 we learn that we will account for the things we do - we will give an account of how we steward our lives.  Matthew 12: 37 shows us that we will be accountable for the things we say. That's why We need to be accountable for our lives. A stewardship is a leadership function that we need to engage in. Natural leadership suggestions: - Be decisive - Be trustworthy  - Have personal empowerment - Be a clear communicator  - Have resilience  A great leader is also FAST: - Faithful - Available - Submissive - Teachable There are some spiritual leadership qualities that will hales you fulfill a vision: - These are tips for visionary leadership - Have a Godly vision/ revelation - When we have a godly revelation then we have the right focus. - Vision equals action Characteristics of a godly vision: - Vision leads to helping others - The vision glorifies God - The vision is future focused - The vision is there to overcome the devil - Vision advances God’s kingdom  We all need vision because without vision we don't have hope, direction and a purpose. Once we have a Godly vision then we acknowledge that He is with us and He has a plan for our lives and know that He gives us tools and means to go forward.  God is the one who directs our vision, He is the one who leads us and when we do what He says then we see the fruit. That's why it's important to do what God calls us to do. It's important to fulfill the vision He has entrusted us with.  When we lead with vision then we need to write it down. God Speaks with intention and clarity, so therefore we need to write down exactly what He says. When we write down the vision then we become accountable to it. We need to remember that Godly vision comes from the Lord. It's His revelation to us therefore when we are willing, when We do and attend to what He has revealed to us. How do we know we are attending to the vision: - The level of our determination - Are we qualifying or disqualifying the vision - Whose report are we listening to? - Don't worry if you are a slow starter - Don't be scared of the word ‘linger’ - the vision will surely come though it lingers (Habakkuk 2:2) Jesus came and fulfilled what His heavenly Father told Him to and we need to follow in those footsteps.

Evangelism | Ps Bruce McCleland | Released For Purpose Part 2

February 11, 2024 • Ps Bruce McCleland • Isaiah 6:5–8, Matthew 9:35–38, Ezekiel 37:4–5

In this encouraging sermon as we continue with our series of being Released For Purpose, join Pastor Bruce as we go over our purpose of evangelism in this day and age.  From the bible, we learn that we ought to walk by faith because only God knows what is to come and therefore we ought to trust Him. His word is a lamp unto our feet and He shines our way. That is why we need to walk by faith and walk by His prompting. Being a Christian does not mean things will be easy but we get strength from Him. That is why we need to seek Him and continuously seek Him in every aspect of our lives. When we seek Him we find our purpose in Him. We have been called to share the good news. The message needs messengers, it requires people to lead in life. We need to lead our own lives and we can do this through Christ because He gives us the strength and the ability to lead. When we seek Him and lean more into His guidance through prayer and intimacy with Him we get shaped and molded by Him. We need to strive for this and when we do this we will see God move in all aspects of our lives. That's why evangelism is important. The message and the mission has not changed because God does not change. God is the one who changes circumstances. In order to be in step with Him and embrace the change then we need to do the following: See what God sees and have faith If we don't love people through the eyes of Christ then the world will not change. We need to see people how God sees them and even pray for them regardless of what they have done to us. Jesus had compassion and that's what we need to have. Speak what He says God is cleaning and doing a work in us so that we can be messengers of His good news. Sometimes we need to remind ourselves of the good news. We need to remind ourselves of His promises. However, in order to remind ourselves, we need to know the good news and we need to know His promises.  Sadly our word is not reliable but His word is true and it's reliable until eternity. He is not a liar. That is why we need to speak what He speaks. When He sends us as messengers then He gives us a message. We see this in the book of Ezekiel 37 verse 4 -5, we need to speak what He says. God empowers us to speak what He says, He gives us authority.  Do what He did. Jesus only did what His Heavenly Father told Him to do. We also need to follow in His footsteps. We need to treat people how Jesus treated them (us) - with compassion and love.  Let God empower you to do all He has called you to do.

Vision Sunday 2024 | Ps Anthony Liebenberg | Released For Purpose

February 4, 2024 • Ps Anthony Liebenberg • Ephesians 3:20, Luke 4:18–19, Isaiah 61, Luke 4:14–21, Luke 4:43

At Life Church, we believe that God Cares. We Care and People Matter. We are a cell based family church that loves Jesus and we serve Him by tending to His people as well. This year we are released for purpose. Join Pastor Anthony this vision Sunday as he unpacks what this means for our church but also what does that mean for us as the body of Christ.  We need to continue to spread the good news, that's our assignment. We are not just freed and released but we are released for purpose. Jesus was sent into the world for a purpose and so are we.  We have been released for various reasons: - Released for evangelism to proclaim Christ. - Released for purpose The Power of The Holy Spirit The Holy Spirit is there to guide us. He is there to help and enable us  God does not just anoint us for ourselves but He anoints us for those around us. He anoints us for a purpose. God also gives us favor to do His will and purpose. Sometimes we wonder what our purpose in life is but as children of God, our purpose is what God has sent us to do.  As we contemplate the vision of the church for the year, let us also consult God about the vision for our lives, let's ask Him where He is taking us. So, to conclude: - Salvation or the Good News is for all - Power of the Holy Spirit is here today. - We have been called and set apart