
Building our life on the gospel of Christ

Build Right, Live Right

March 12, 2023 • Ps Bruce McCleland • Psalm 23:5, 1 Peter 2:4–10, John 3:16–17, 2 Corinthians 10:4–6

Have you chosen God? Yes, you say. Do you believe God chose you? Yes. Why then are you struggling to consistently make good choices that honour God?

In this message Pastor Bruce McLleland helps us understand how the chaos of our daily choices and its resulting shame can create a distance between us and God. We can only change if we position Jesus Christ at His rightful place at the table of our lives and build our lives on His gospel. In that way, we will be driven by conviction and not be distanced by condemnation. Our focus will be on the promises for our future and not on the shame of our past.

Building with the Holy Spirit

March 26, 2023 • 1 Peter 2:5–7, Luke 11, John 14:16, John 7:38–39

So, you have been serving the Lord for a while now, building your life on the cornerstone which is Christ, but feel you have fallen away, once more, and need to make your way back to Him? The good news is Jesus will always receive you. He does not condemn us. He is for you, not against you. However, He wants us to build further, add more levels, and finish our race strong – not dig our foundations again and again and get stuck in a loop that carries on for years. In this message, Pastor Megan McCleland explains how God’s power and the ever-present Holy Spirit can strengthen you to grow and build in ways that can only be from God, ways you thought were impossible. The Holy Spirit will lead your heart and mind regarding your next step. Finally, people will look at your house and say, wow, I want that, because through it they can see Jesus.

Build for legacy

March 19, 2023 • Ps Bruce McCleland • Joshua 4:21–22, Psalm 78:4, Romans 10:14–15

Legacy is not just about what you’re leaving behind, It’s about what you’re building for the future. -       When you’re dead its too late   Jon Tyson – Intentional Father asks 4 questions o  Who do I want them to be – Someone that loves and serves Jesus o  What do I want them to know – How much he loves them and the authority that they have because of him o  What do I want them to be able to do - o  How can I facilitate their path to get there -         Legacy cannot be held in a picture   It’s not just about showing the presence of God in your life, It’s about sharing the story of the power of God in your life.


March 5, 2023 • Ps Anthony Liebenberg • Matthew 7:15–23, Matthew 7:24–27, Mark 6:30, Ephesians 4:17–19, Colossians 3:17

Few things in life hurt as much as when someone says one thing to you and does another. It is that kind of disappointment that cuts so deep. That is why it is so important that our actions are the true fruit of our words. The Bible teaches us that by our fruit we will be recognised. Not only do we need to be people of our word, but we need to be people of God’s Word and build our lives on the precious cornerstone, Jesus Christ. In this message, Pastor Anthony Liebenberg teaches us: If we truly hear God, are taught by Him and believe right, we will build right; and if we build right, we will live right. We will never be disappointed.