
Seek First Part 3

Seek First

August 20, 2023 • Ps Bruce McCleland • Luke 11:42, Proverbs 24:27, Matthew 6:33, Matthew 7:7–8, 1 Timothy 4:7

In this enriching sermon with Pastor Bruce, we reflect on our source and our output in life as we continue to seek God first. 

In life, we need to reflect on what we are giving others. We need to remember our source (God) and our source needs to be reflected in our lives. The thing is, for many of us, our Christianity is contaminated and our habits and disciplines reflect a different life - which is not right. Our lives should reflect our source - our lives should point people to our source. Luke 11 verse 42 teaches us that we should not obsess over other things, we should not be like the Pharisees, we should be life giving. The only way we can do this is by focusing on God. 

We need to have disciplines and habits that reflect our source. So the question is: are our habits life giving?

Here is something to also ponder on, why are our disciples important to us? The truth is, they are important because they help us navigate life. Our disciplines help us with the complexities of life. Thus as Christians our disciples should anchor us in God (1 Timothy 4 verse 7). We sometimes find ourselves in wrong environments and making bad decisions but we can only be helped if our disciplines are anchored in God. All our disciplines should shape and anchor us in God. Living a godly life is about trying to be more like Jesus each day, being with Jesus each day and doing what Jesus did each day. 

The following disciplines help us seek God:

- Prayer and Fasting – petitioning, building faith

- Reading and meditating on scripture – making revelation a rhythm

- Silence and solitude – severing ties from the things that distract us

- Worship – declaring the wonder of our God

- Thanksgiving

- Fellowship

- Confession – practicing repentance and not giving the devil a foothold

- Serving – practicing humility and generosity

Having these disciplines moves us to a place of faith and growth. 

Sometimes we have a selfish agenda with these disciplines because we want to honor ourselves instead of honoring God. However, a big part of practicing these disciplines is sacrificing our agenda for His. Matthew 6 verse 24 - 34 teaches us that there are two masters (God or money) and that we cannot serve both, but if we position ourselves under God as our master then we don't have to worry about all these other things. 

If we seek Him and let him become our master then when we encounter difficulties God will give us tools, skills and means to get out or deal with those situations.


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