
Resilience Part 1


October 1, 2023 • Ps Anthony Liebenberg • 1 Corinthians 16:13, Hebrews 12:1, James 1:2, Galatians 6:9, John 4:34

In this new series, Pastor Anthony teaches us how to build a strong life - how to build resilience. God has called us to great things and we need to be resilient in order to achieve those great things.

The dictionary defines resilience as 'the capacity to withstand or to recover quickly from difficulties; the ability of a substance or object to spring back into shape; elasticity'.

Therefore, in whatever situation we face, we need to be able to spring back into shape when it's all said and done. 

Jesus is the model for resilience. We see this in His life and crucifixion. He suffered so much and endured because He was focused on the end goal. He endured the cross and since we are His followers, we ought to endure in this life. 

In order to do so we need to keep our eyes on Him. He should be our only focus. If we keep our focus on Him then we will finish the race. He is our finish line. This does not mean it will be easy, but  we must persevere. In order for us to endure, we must build hope and courage and develop a tough spirit, soul and body. As mentioned, it won't come easy and that's why we need to endure. By being resilient we will live a fulfilled life.  

Principles of resilience:

- Big trials equals big faith which equals a big life. 

Trials result in our faith and this is evident in the stories of Joseph and Esther. Trials are not obstacles but they are the fuel that keep us going. 'God uses our trials to build our faith, draw us closer to Him and give us a testimony of His faithfulness for others to see'. Our testimony is the proven work of God in our lives. He gets the glory from our testimony. Therefore we need to have faith in Him.

We need to endure because we might be faced with resistance along the way. Resistance shows our heart and the depth of our faith in God. This is why we need to be anchored and rooted in Him. Our faith must be strengthened in times of trouble, trials and adversity. Romans 5:3 teaches us that suffering produces perseverance which produces character. As believers, we must have the character of God. He is our blueprint. 

Resilience is for eternity

We have to endure the race. Our suffering is nothing in comparison to eternity which is our end goal. We learn this in Romans 8:18, with joy set before Him, He endured the cross. So with eternity set before us, we must endure - we must run until we get to the finish line. Our present sufferings are not worth comparing to the glory that will be revealed in us.

- There are no shortcuts to breakthroughs and success

We need to work hard instead of providing lip service. Sometimes we are our own obstacles, we hinder ourselves from reaching our goals. Another obstacle that keeps us in the same spot is laziness. Laziness keeps us bound in mediocrity.  We need to put in the time and work. The bible teaches us that whatsoever we sow we shall reap. If you sow laziness then that's all you'll reap nothing.

- Perseverance ensures a big stretch

Sometimes we want to do things without stretching. However, even in life before exercising or running a marathon, we need to stretch. Stretching is good, when we stretch ourselves then as time goes on we see the results. We are able to do more than we did before and this is maturity. However, if we are lazy then we won't grow.

In this life we will encounter many obstacles and trials. We will face many storms and all these reveal our character. The thing is, in a storm you are either holding onto something or holding on to someone. Make sure that that someone is Jesus.

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