
Love Is A Verb Part 3

Love Is A Verb

September 17, 2023 • Ps Bruce McCleland • John 3:16, Ephesians 1:4–14, Romans 10:14, Acts 1:8, Ephesians 4:11

This week, Pastor Bruce takes us through the foundation of our belief system - John 3:16 (For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.). Sometimes we can acknowledge that God loved us so much but we don't walk in that love. 

In the scripture, we see that God addresses two groups of people -He goes from a corporate communal word to a very individual word (From: World to Whoever). He often relates His word to a population and then attaches it to an individual. We see this in the old testament with the nation of Israel and the many individual prophets. We see this in the Lord's prayer as well. We see the use of 'us and we' later on becoming more individualistic. It can be said that the Lord’s prayer is a corporate prayer with individual conviction.

In the word we continue to see that God emphatically and intentionally chose us. He chose us in word and in deed. We are saved because he chose us and we choose Him. However, there are those who have not chosen Him. There are those who have not heard about Him as well. And, there are those who have not heard about Him because the ones who he's chosen and have chosen Him, haven't told the ones who haven't heard about Him yet about His good news.

So, love is a verb, therefore, in us sharing His good news we are showing love. Truth is, there are many people who don't know that God loves them. They have not heard the good news. Sadly, the world is used to a very flawed picture of love but love is pure and perfected in God. Therefore, we need to take that love God has given us and share it with others.

Love has to be more than a personal conviction but it has to be a way in which we reach others. 

Therefore, as a sign of our love, devotion and the work of the Holy Spirit, we must pray for opportunities to talk about God - to share about His love. We must find ways to invite people to church and cell groups - we must invite them to fellowship and pray for them.

These are some of the things we need to do:

- Pray for people

- Bless people

- Invite them to fellowship

As we do these then we grow and we build others in the body of Christ.

So, here is a question to think about: How is your world reaching out to His? How is your story aligning with how much He loves you and is that love affecting you, is it moving you? Is it compelling you to act?