
Love Is A Verb

Love Is a Verb

September 3, 2023 • Ps Bruce McCleland • Ephesians 5:2, 1 John 4:9, 1 John 4:16, 1 Corinthians 13:4

In this new series: Love is a verb, Pastor Bruce teaches us on love and how much our Father loves us. 

Love is not a feeling but love moves us into action, it convicts us and moves us. Love compels us into a deep seeded conviction to act - to give sacrificially. It's not merely sentimental nor is it based on physical attraction.

With that, we as believers need to redefine the love that God calls us to. Ephesians 5 teaches us that love is an action. Love calls us to sacrifice our offense. The truth is that carrying offense grows anger and hate. It blinds us and keeps us away from loving in a godly way but love moves us in the opposite direction. 

When we Love someone or something then our feelings compel us to do something. So if we truly say we love God then we walk in His love. We love the way that He loves.

Jesus calls us to love one another. This doesn't mean we love only those around us but everyone, including those we don't want to love. He showed us love first by sacrificing Himself and dying on the cross for us (everyone of us) without discrimination. So with that blueprint, we need to love everyone without discrimination.

So for us to be able to do that, in order to walk in the way of love then we first need to know and understand how God loves us.

We need to know His love so that we can share it with the world and teach them of His kingdom. We are called to be the salt of the earth. So, people will not know and see His kingdom if we don't show it - if we don't follow His precepts.

The book of 1 Corinthians 13 verse 4 teaches us the qualities of love. It teaches us what love is. From the book of 1 Corinthians we see that love requires action. Love has a personality and a presence. Where there is an authentic love then people will experience warmth and grace.

We will only love if we know how much God loves us. If we don't know the love of God then we will only ever teach the law like the Pharisees. God calls us to love each other and operate in love instead of becoming legalistic.

We don't have to be legalistic because God taught us love. We know that His love is fierce and it's strong because HE IS LOVE. God loves us and He affirms us. 

We cannot be removed from Christ's love because any sin that could separate us from Him was nailed to the cross and paid for by His blood. 

Sadly, many of us are traumatized by false love because the best version of love that we've received comes from the world. However, we cannot use the world's standard as a way to filter His love, we need to use His word. His love is pure and it's alive.

We will only love how God loves only if we know how much God loves us. So, meditate on His word and His love.