
God Cares. We Care. People Matter.

God Cares. We Care. People Matter.

November 19, 2023 • Ps Bruce McCleland • 1 John 4:7–10, 1 Corinthians 1:30, Matthew 22:34–39, James 2:17–26, 1 John 3:17–19

In this new series, Pastor Bruce takes us through a journey of reflection and teachings on the importance of caring the way God cares. 

The full value of a gift is realized when we share it. If we never share our gifts with the world whether it be teaching, singing, dancing or even exalting others then they would never be valued.

This applies to so many things in our lives including wisdom. Wisdom is only realized or recognized once we share it, not when we acquire it. No matter how smart you are, if you don't share your wisdom then it doesn't have value because Wisdom is not meant to serve you only but it's meant to serve those around you as well.

So what good is wisdom if we don't share it?

1 Cor 1:30 teaches us that Jesus is our wisdom and he was shared with us and because of Him we are changed to live better and fruitful lives. However, we can't bear fruit if we don't share our wisdom. He is the perfect gift that was shared with us, therefore we must also share Him with the world. This is how we show that we care.

God Cares. We Care. People Matter.

Our gifts are meant to be shared. The trust is that our gifts are good for us but they are meant to be shared with others - and that's our motto here at life Church: God Cares. We Care. People Matter. 

As people do we care? Everyone can raise their hand and say that they care. However, do we care the way God wants us to care? If we understand that God cares then we need to care the way He cares for people.

Matt 22 verse 34-39 teaches us that we are called to Love God, our neighbors and ourselves. However, one of the greatest distractions the devil has concocted is to  distract us from loving God. We are called to love Him because He shared His love with us first, so we should not give into those distractions.

The truth is, if we understand and Love God then we'll care how He cares. Our love for God is incomplete if we struggle to love who He loves and our faith in God is incomplete if we struggle to do what He does.

So, we need a heart to care to be able to spread the gospel. It's all about our heart posture. For us to care first, we need to Love Him and get to know Him because what He loves we will love and what He cares for, we will care for. 

Why is that so important?

As mentioned before, it's all about our hearts, we see this in James 2:17-26. We need to understand that what is in our Hearts will flow out of our lives. If we love and care for our community then this will show in our actions towards our communities - this applies in any and every sphere of our lives.

How we care 

How we care is a thermometer of our faith. 

How we care reassures our hearts

Brings us into His presence

So let's change how we care. Let's be a blessing to others. Let's love them how God loves them. Let's pray for those we wouldn't pray for, even if they've hurt us. Let's pray for people and tell them about Jesus. 

We care because people Matter to Him.