
Hot Month | Ps Bruce McCleland

August 4, 2024 • Ps Bruce McCleland • Job 19:25–27, Luke 22:31, Romans 5:19, Romans 6:10, Ephesians 6:12

In this new series called Hot Month, join Pastor Bruce as he teaches on the importance of running your race and reflecting on what disqualified us in our battle. 

Sometimes when we think of eternity, we feel regret because of all the things we didn't do, however, even in that, we need to see and acknowledge that we are where God wants us to be because there is a battle for our lives. 

Our battles are different but the biggest battle is the battle for our faith. The accuser wants to disrupt and destroy our faith. That is why it's important to fight our battle because when it's all said and done, we want the Lord to welcome us and say ‘Well done my faithful servant’. 

That is why we need to focus on the Lord and not lose our faith. When we fail in our faith then those around us or those looking at us become at risk. When we lose our faith, it impacts those we are discipling and leading in our lives. 

That is why the devil wants to disrupt our faith, he is there to accuse us because if he can disrupt our faith then he can access our truth and our whole armor. 

A way in which the devil will try to disrupt our faith is through sin. So, when we can't deal with our flesh then seeds of sin will start to grow in our lives. 

It's important that we don't disqualify ourselves based on seeds of sin. We must choose the right seeds, godly seeds, that are far away from sin. 

So, what is disqualifying you from the battle? What bad seeds do you need to pluck out before they become weeds?