
Obedience & Conviction | Ps Bruce McCleland | Share Jesus Share Hope Part 2

Share Jesus Share Hope

April 14, 2024 • Ps Bruce McCleland • Romans 14:15, Proverbs 4, Proverbs 11:24, Romans 10:6–10

As we continue with our series of Share Jesus, Share Hope, join Pastor Bruce as he expands on obedience and conviction.

As believers we need to operate out of obedience and conviction. We know who we belong to and we know what He has called us to do, therefore we need to operate from that. 

Unfortunately sometimes as believers we get so comfortable in our comfort zones that we miss what God is calling us to do.

We all have been called to be leaders and influences in our lives in some way, shape or form. Therefore, we need to trust in what God has called us to do and be obedient to what He says. Our conviction in who He is is what will keep us obedient to His ways and that's why it's important to get to know Him more, be in His word more.

We must not let fear and comfort rule and dictate us.