
Any Witnesses? | Ps Megan McCleland | Share Jesus Share Hope Part 3

Share Jesus Share Hope

April 21, 2024 • Megan McCleland • Matthew 5:15, Hebrews 10:22, Acts 4:33, 1 Peter 3:15, Philemon 6

In this thought provoking sermon join Pastor Megan as she highlights the importance of evangelism as a witness.

We have all been called to ministry, we have been called to share the good news with the world. We are here to spread the Gospel and witness for Jesus and what He has done for us in our lives. However, that takes boldness. The things we go through in life are not to cripple us because God uses them for His glory, that is how we become witnesses. Being a witness means sharing what God has done is your life. It requires authenticity and a real relationship with God.

We have called to share our lives, our testimony and bear witness to others and the only way we can do that is through lived experiences. That is how we are able to relate to others and we get to share Jesus with them.

So are you a witness? Do you have a testimony?