
Love Is A Verb Part 4

Love Is A Verb

September 24, 2023 • Ps Anthony Liebenberg • Matthew 22:37, Romans 13:8, 1 Thessalonians 5:5, Galatians 5:13, John 15:8

As we conclude the series of Love Is A Verb, Ps Anthony teaches us on justice and righteousness in relation to love. Throughout the Bible we see God's justice and His righteousness. We see and learn about right and wrong through Him in both the old and new testament. He is still the same God. 

In Matthew 22:37Jesus teaches us to love God and others. Every commandment in the Bible is based on these two - they sum up all the law. Romans 13:8 Teaches us that love is the fulfillment of the law, it doesn't replace it. Hence the word teaches us that love covers a multitude of sins.

1. True love to our neighbor covers everything.

The truth is, if we don't love ourselves the way we should then we cannot love each other the way we should. If we love others then we are aware of them and how we treat them. This is because love never hurts others. Therefore we need to reflect on what we do to others and how we treat them. We must remember that loving God means honoring Him, therefore if we love Him then we wouldn't hurt His children. If we love His children then we would not seek evil for them but we would be seeking blessings for them. 

2. Clothe yourself with the Lord Jesus Christ

Love is a dress code. 1 Thessalonians 5:5 tells us to put on faith and love as a breastplate and hope of salvation as a helmet. As followers of Christ, this is what we ought to do. We are representatives of our Father therefore, we should love as He loves because He is Love. Therefore, we must wear love and hope proudly because they are a choice. We can either choose to be loving or not. 

3. It's all in the walk

Love is a verb - it's an action. Galatians 5:13 teaches us to serve one another in love. We should not tear each other apart with words. Our speech must be seasoned with love.  In everything that we do, we must be led by the spirit - we must walk by the spirit. As followers of Christ, the Holy Spirit guides us and provides us with fruit and one of the fruits of the spirit is love. If we walk with the Spirit then we will be loving. John 15:8 tells us that God wants us to be fruitful therefore this can be achieved in loving others. 

If we don't know how to love others then we must love Him and He will teach us and show us how to love others. Because God is Love. 

To love is a choice, it's a decision, so choose wisely.