
Say What He Says | Ps Megan McCleland | In His Name Part 3

In His Name

March 17, 2024 • Megan McCleland • 2 Timothy 4:3, Ephesians 4:14, John 14:15, Proverbs 12:18, John 17

Join Pastor Megan as we delve into the series "In His Name," focused on John 17, where Jesus' prayer to His Father showcases the importance of living and acting in His name. 

In a world full of popular quotes, discernment is crucial to ensure that whatever we are quoting is in alignment with God's Word. Ephesians 4:14 and 2 Timothy 4:3 caution us as believers against being swayed by teachings that  lack truth - even if they are a great sounding quote.

Words are powerful, they are capable of both uplifting and causing harm to others, as Proverbs 12:18 shows us. We need to remember that  as representatives of God, our speech carries weight and that is why it's necessary to be mindful of what we say, read, or quote. Jesus' teachings provide a blueprint on how to align our words with His. He provides us with a guide on how to be mindful of our actions and speech.

Jesus was wise and  His wisdom shines through His commands, such as loving God and others wholeheartedly. We can rest assured that when we  model our lives after Him, we will live lives full of wisdom. Jesus’s ways went far beyond speech, and if we do so then even our lives will be changed and transformed - our demeanor and response to challenges in life will also be transformed. Therefore as we continue to walk in His name, the book of Colossians 4:5-6 encourages us to be gracious with our speech so that we may reflect Christ's character.

Its not easy but through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, may our speech mirror the love and truth of Jesus Christ. May He be the one to guide our actions and interactions as we strive to represent Him faithfully.

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