
In His Name | Ps Anthony Liebenberg | Easter Friday

In His Name

March 29, 2024 • Ps Anthony Liebenberg • Joel 2:32, John 3:17, Acts 2, Acts 3:16, John 14:13

This Good Friday, when we reflect on the cross, we see the love of Christ. We understand the power of what He did and the power of His name. So, join pastor Anthony as he unpacks the power in the name of Jesus.

The Hebrew name for Jesus, Yeshua, is "Joshua" in English, while in Greek it's Lesous and it's changed to "Jesus." Therefore, both "Joshua" and "Jesus" mean the same thing, with English pronunciations of the Hebrew and Greek names. This interchangeability is shown in passages such as Acts 7:45 and Hebrews 4:8 in the King James Version.

This shows us that the meaning of a word remains unaffected by changes in any language. An object like a book, which is called "buch" in German, "libro" in Spanish, or "livre" in French, retains its essence regardless of the linguistic variations. In the same way, the name of Jesus transcends all language barriers. It maintains its importance, meaning and identity across different languages.

So, regardless of whatever language  we speak, the name Jesus symbolizes salvation. We see this in both the Old and New Testaments. So, whether we speak it in English, Cantonese, or any other language, the proclamation of Jesus as "The Lord Is Salvation" resonates universally - it transcends all language barriers.

The name of Jesus is so powerful in that there is healing, there is salvation, the forgiveness of sins is received through the name of Jesus, we are baptized in the name of Jesus and healing and miracles were performed in the name of Jesus during the time of the disciples and even today.

We have been given a wonderful name in Jesus and therefore, we ought to revere, worship and walk in the name of Jesus - regardless of our languages. He is Jesus - our Salvation.

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