
Galatians Week 2

September 15, 2024

Sermon Transcript:

Well, good morning, good morning. You all ready? You got your seat belts? All right? I know the Cowboys are playing. This ain't gonna be a short sermon, so don't worry. I hope you got it on DVR.

Imagine all the Prescott jerseys that are out now that he signed a two, $40 million contract. Now I almost wore mine last week, and I get home and I realize right before the game, he signed his contract. Man, I should have wore it last week. I didn't want to jinx it. You know, when you hear the word supernatural, what comes to mind with you? For me, it's always superheroes. Right? For me, it's Superman. Only one weakness that he had was kryptonite, right? And Lois Lane, right? I always thought she must be his kryptonite. Sometimes, that's us. You know, there was a show called supernatural that aired for 15 seasons, 327

episodes. How many y'all watch that?

It's okay. You don't we're in church. We gotta be honest, right?

Well, my daughter, who's going to be 20 this next week, actually, she decided last year she started watching it, or she might have watched it, starting during covid. But I said, Honey, how you going to get through 327

episode? She did. She's like dad. They got characters that are biblical characters, that got Michael and and Moses. They had all these kind of So, yeah, but it's still fake. You know,

Spider Man, Superman, all those guys are great. We love a hero, a superhero. But I want to talk about something that I don't know, that we equate with God, this thing called supernatural. You see, the gospel is good news for all, because it it's not from man, it's from God. It's called it's a supernatural thing. We can't explain it sometimes, but we know what it does to people. It transforms them. It saves them. It gives them hope. The sister was talking about and during her prayer and through the music, listen, if you're here and you've lost hope, there's always hope with a supernatural God, because we don't have to rely on somebody to tell us about that hope. We can we can go right to the text and go, God is my hope. God is my hope. I know

you didn't come here for all this information this morning. And by the way, I want to say this for all you Marvel fans out there,

there would be no Marvel without DC Comics. You know that, right.

But man, do they have the best movies, right?

But they all are the same. You watch one, you've seen them all. Just kidding. I'm a DC guy. I grew up that way. I didn't know what Marvel was until, you know, Spider Man was kind of popular, but it was always Superman and Wonder Woman and, you know, all those, all those guys and but I do watch the Marvel movies. But you know, the guy came from DC Comics, right? So he didn't like what they were giving him, so he made his own. I actually think Marvel is better in the way they created it. They've done well.

So I want to tell you what the definition of supernatural is. This is the Merriam Webster definition supernatural. And I thought man, even a man made thing like that, they got it right. Listen to what it is manifestation or an event attributed to some force beyond scientific understanding or the laws of nature. You can't explain it, and science can't explain it. That's the definition of supernatural. It is not man made, and it comes from something outside of us. And they call it attributed to some force beyond scientific evidence. As Christians, the plan of God that every believer walks in is in the supernatural. You see, we are good at walking in the flesh, aren't we? Somebody does something, somebody cuts us off. We find our sign language real quick on that person that cuts us off, right? You know what I'm talking about. We find choice words, especially if no one's in the room or in the car with us. We get to say whatever we want. We operate in the flesh really well. What would it look like if believers actually operated in the supernatural. If they walked by faith and not by sight, what would that look like? How many more people would come to Christ? Because what they saw was not of man, what they saw was of God. And they were wondering, what is going on with these crazy Christians, walking by faith and not by sight? You see first, Timothy 117 says this

now to the king, eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God in honor be honor and glory and forever and ever, amen. So we have an eternal, immortal, invisible, and only God that we worship, amen. That's who we worship. See, that's why we are here today. That's why we're listening to text, listening to Scripture. That's why we come to church. We don't need some human form of whatever. We need a supernatural power that transforms us into who God wants us to be. That's what we're doing here. So we're going to be in our text again. Galatians, chapter one, we're going to end.

Okay, 11 through 23 that will last 14 verses there. So I'm going to read from the New International Version you read with whatever version that you come with, if you don't, if you have your device or your actual hard copy of your Bible, I want you to see the word of God for yourself. I know it's going to be up on the screen, but I've told them sometimes, just put whatever up there and see what happens. You can't rely on us inputting information on the screen. You need to see the word of God for yourself. Amen, alright, Galatians chapter one, let's stand as we read God's word 11 through 23

I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that the gospel I preach is not of human origin. I did not receive it from any man, nor was I taught it, whether I received it by the revelation of Jesus or from Jesus Christ.

For you have heard of my precious way of life or previous way of life in Judaism, how intensely I persecuted the church of God and tried to destroy it. I was advancing in Judaism beyond many of my own age among my people, and was extremely zealous of the for the traditions of my fathers.

But when God, who set me apart from my mother's womb and called me by grace, was pleased to reveal his son to me that I might preach him among the Gentiles. My immediate response was not to consult any human being. I did not go up to Jerusalem to see

those who were apostles before I was but I went to Arabia. Later, I returned to Damascus. Then after three years, I went up to Jerusalem to get acquainted with Cephas and stayed with him for 15 days. I saw none of the other apostles, only James the Lord's brother. And I assure you before God that I, what I am writing to you, is no lie. Then, when I went to Syria and Cecilia,

I was personally unknown to the churches of Judea that are in Christ, they only heard the report. Listen to the report. The man who formerly persecuted us is now preaching the faith he once tried to destroy.

And they praised God because of me,

Father, this is your word. We receive it this morning. In Christ's name, I pray amen. You may have a seat.

For those of you that don't know I'm a creature of habit. I have a three point sermon this morning. Sometimes I do two, sometimes I do four, and other times I just do bullet points. But I have a three point sermon this morning. God is a giving God is my first point. God is a giving God, and the first two verses in 11 and 12 talk about that. He says, when you think about God and all the amazing qualities that he has, it's literally unimaginable that God is going to share his ministry with us. Could you you know that it's a it's unimaginable to the human mind to think, how is it that God's going to share the supernatural power with us? I mean, you think about that, you can turn into a superhero yourself. For Christ,

God's supernatural state comes to baffle even myself. And I've been to I've been educated and still doing school study, lots of theology, and it's still amazing. The thing that allows us to share, He gives us His supernatural power to do His work. God cannot be explained in a lot of instances. Yet we know what he does. We see his work in people's lives. We see what he's doing. We seek transformation. We see how he gives that to people. And how is it possible to go from a sinner to a saint,

from hell, bound to heaven, bound

from a nobody to a somebody. How is that possible?

Well, I'll tell you how, by the super working power of Jesus the Christ. We just sang about his name being so powerful among us, it's only by that name that men may be saved, that women may be saved, that children may be saved, that grandparents may be saved, that soldiers may be saved, that mom and dads may be saved, that anybody may be saved. It's only under that name that you can be saved. It's a supernatural power of Jesus. Paul, the author of the book of Galatians, tells us plainly that this gospel that he's preaching is not of human origin. He said, I didn't get it from any human being. I only got it from the man himself, and that was Jesus in a supernatural way. In other words, it's a gift from God. He gives it to us. Did you know every time you open the Scripture text, and I pray that you do on a daily basis, every time you open it, the Holy Spirit can encounter you so that you can hear from him. Do you believe that this morning, if you read the scriptures and you ask God, and you pray through that, and God can speak to you in only a way that he can and he can, it's almost as if the letters are coming up off of the page and going, you know, that's me. That's for me when God was calling.

With me to the ministry. I was studying the First John, and I remember going, how are you going to use a guy like me? And I got all this stuff in the closet who I used to be, and he kept on reminding me, you're not that person anymore. That person died once you gave your life to Christ. Now you're a new creation. Second Corinthians, 517, you're new.

This is not our home.

This is not our home. This is Earth.

This is we are heaven bound. Our home is not here. We are just like the millions of migrants that have crossed our borders, we're just passing through. You can say what you want about that system. I work with migrants all the time. We have a migrant center. We help them and we share the gospel with them. Did you know 4500

migrants have given their life to Christ through the apostle migrant center that we helped establish three years ago? Listen,

we are the same way. We're just passing through. This is not our home. Stopped acting like this is a permanent stop for you.

I don't care how texting you are, or how all passing you are, or how 915, you are, this is not our home. We're only here for a little while, James says, and then we vanish and we're on our way to wherever we're going. It's either heaven or hell for us.

Paul wants us to know the gospel is from God. Did you know that Paul cannot offer you eternal life? I cannot offer you eternal life life. Church cannot offer you eternal life. Nobody can offer you eternal life. Only Jesus, the Christ, the Messiah, can offer you eternal life. And that's what the gospel is. That's good news. That's what good news sounds like. Only a supernatural God with a supernatural gospel can offer you eternal life. That's it. In verse 12 of our text, Paul takes us deeper when he says this, I was not taught by man. I did not receive the gospel from man. It came as a revelation from Christ.

And I go, Well, Paul, weren't you in school when you were a Pharisee? Didn't you go to the super religious schools and learn how to all the different laws of God and learn all those old texts and the Talmud and the Septuagint, the first five books of the Bible? He knew all those things. And I thought, Paul, you kind of knew who the Messiah was. You were taught by the other religious leaders,

but now, when God reveals Himself to you, it's not anything that any man can teach you, it's only by the the supernatural power of Jesus. And that's why, as we talked last week, no one can offer eternal light apart from the true gospel. Only the true gospel of Jesus can offer you eternal life. There were some here that came, you're going to be offering an opportunity to be invited to come this morning. There were some that came last week, and one that I know of that gave their life to Christ, first time in church. Came here, just moved here. So, you know, there's, there's this

attitude out there that it takes 7.8 times for someone to hear the gospel, for them to come to Christ. And I always wonder when they get to you know, and it's because somebody comes to church so many times they hear the Gospel. This lady was in church one day, first time she heard the gospel, and she said, I need Jesus in my life. She gave her life to Christ. And you can do that this morning too. I don't care if you've been here 20 years, you can still be sitting in the chair and never have given their life to Christ because you're here because it's this is where I go. This is what I do. Now, listen, you need to be in Christ so that you can know this is who you are, amen, and you need to be assured of your salvation. It's Supernatural. Paul said he had done enough and lived enough to know what happened to him, and It's Supernatural. And he says it was from Jesus. God is giving a giving God. He's a giving God. He gives you all these things. So I'm going to read a text for you,

and I think it was appropriate that sister was talking about those of you here that may not have hope, I want to really explain to you what hope is. According to the scriptures in Romans, chapter eight, verses 24 and 25 it says, For in this hope we were saved, he's talking about Jesus. But hope that is seen is no hope at all.

You see, sometimes you're you have no hope because you're relying on what you see. But he says, hope that is seen is not really hope at all. You can't see it here. It won't help you with your hopelessness. Because he says, and continues on in Romans, 824, he says, Who hopes for what they already have?

But if we hope for what we do not yet have we wait for it patiently? That's what real hope looks like. When God is going to have a breakthrough in your life, you're going to be you're going to know it, you're going to be waiting patiently for Him to interact with you. That's what hope is. Have you trusted God with your life? Have you given your hope to him and all of your cares?

Yes. Have you had an experience when whatever was happening from you has kept you away from you? Have you asked Jesus to be the Lord of your life today, as you think about your life, do you want that as a human message or a supernatural message? Do you want my words or do you want the words of the gospel? I pray that you want whatever God has for you that he's going to be speaking to you today as you think about your life, think about this supernatural gospel. My second point is, God is a living God. First, he's a giving God, but God is a living God. In the verses 13 through 17,

Paul starts to describe God as this, not only a giving God, but how he gives good gifts, but as a living God. I don't know if you know this, but God is alive and well, amen, he is doing things around this globe that will amaze us. Did you know that people are coming to Christ without ever being preached to?

You say what Pastor

Jesus is revealing himself in people's dreams across this globe, people that have denied Christ, and Jesus appears to them in a dream, and they realize that Jesus really is who he says he is, and they come to Christ. They don't need me to go tell them. I mean, it's helpful. We go, we surrender the missions or ministry or whatever, and we tell people about Jesus. We need to do that. But in reality, the only message that we can preach is the actual supernatural gospel, and one that is a teaching of a living God. In verses 13 and 14, Paul says this, I know my audience. He says, you know who I used to be. You know everything about me. He said, Now I'm trying to convince you that man's dead, and now this man's alive. That's who he's trying to convince his audience, because he's like, Dude, we know who you are, Paul. You're the one that didn't like Christianity. You're the one that watched Stephen in Acts chapter six. If you haven't read that, get stoned to death, and afterwards, they laid all of his garments and possessions at the feet of Paul, who, at the time, was Saul, and he approved of that because Stephen stood up for his faith in Christ. Did you know that in that text, in Acts, chapter six, it's the only place that says Jesus was standing at the right hand of the Father. Everywhere else that you read in the Scripture, it says Jesus is seated at the right hand of the Father. We know that right. He's seated at the right in that text alone when, when Stephen was really making that possession a proclamation, I'm going to stand for Christ Jesus, he saw Jesus standing at the right hand of the Father, listen, if you'll take a stand for Christ, I promise you, he'll take a stand for you. He will give you his supernatural power. He's a living God, and Paul's trying to convince this audience of his that he's not that person anymore. He's not the person that was at Stephen stoning, because Jesus had transformed him. And he even tells him, he said I was climbing the ladder of success in my former religion. I was so bold, even though I was so young, and people listened to me. I told him this Jesus is a bunch of baloney. He's not who he says he is. You

had to be so convincing that of this living God that he had inside of him to convince those that had seen him do those things now. You may be here today,

like me. I gave my life to Jesus when I was 25 years old, I had a whole bunch of baggage that people knew who I was prior to my conversion, and it was really difficult to explain to them. I don't do those things anymore.

I wasn't perfect, but I had to change who I was. According to the Scriptures. I had to be become somebody else. I had to put the old man to bed. I had to actually put him to death. Did you know when we were baptized, the water represents a grave. That's why we say buried with Christ in His death and raised to live a new life. We bury the old person. And Paul was trying to tell them that's not me. He's dead. I'm alive because of Christ. And he says all these things, and he wanted them to understand so they could believe it. But I want you to look at verse 15 with me. Look

at your Bibles, look at your phones, whatever. In verse 15,

he says this,

But when God,

who set me apart from my mother's womb, called me by His grace,

was pleased when you see those words, but God, don't just skim over them in the Bible. God's fixing to reveal himself in that. And we see that, and we look at different verses that say these things. So I'm going to go through a few verses with you that talk about when the when the Scripture says, you know, we're talking about something else. And it says, But God, and he says these amazing things. And so look at Matthew 1926 Matthew 1926

Jesus looked at them and said, with man, this is impossible. But.

With God, all things are possible. So we can't skip over those words, but God acts 2224 Acts 224,

but God raised Him from the dead, freeing him from the agony of death. Because it was impossible for death to keep its hold on him, death could not hold him, is what we sang this morning, right. The grave could not hold him. The tomb could not hold him, But God raised Him from the dead. Romans, five, eight. But God demonstrates His love for us in this that while we were still sinners. Listen, if you're trying to clean your life up before you come to Christ. You can't do it while you were still sinners. Christ died for you, is what Romans five eight says, while you are still doing whatever you're doing, while you're still womanizing, while you're still watching pornography, while you're doing whatever you do in your life. And you think, I gotta clean my life up before I come to God. Listen, He died for you while you were doing those things. You cannot clean yourself. He's the only one that can clean you by the supernatural gospel. He can. You can't. You can't do it yourself. And I think that's what Paul's trying to teach us this morning. Listen, only Christ can do that for us. You see, you come as you are, as filthy and nasty as you are, so that Jesus can clean you by the blood of the Lamb. And then we become somebody that wants to change. Then we realize this is what God wants me to be. And we start reading the Bible, and we start realizing we serve a living God. He's alive inside of us, and we want to do what he asked us to do. First, Corinthians 127 says here's

one of my favorite verses,

but God chose the foolish things of this world to shame the wise. God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. Listen, Jesus came at a time when nobody believed that the Messiah was the Messiah. He came to a place Nazareth. It's like no good thing comes from Nazareth. What the Scripture says, He did things that people would never believe that this is the Messiah. How it did my God, my Messiah, allow himself to get arrested, allow himself to get beaten, allow himself to hang on a cross, allow himself to bleed, allow himself to die and say he's my Messiah, because the grave couldn't hold him, because the tomb couldn't hold them. He was raised and he conquered death by his resurrection. But God chose the foolish things of this world to shame the wise. He chose the weak things of this world to shame the strong. That's the God we serve. When the living God of this universe has a mission and a plan for your life, supernatural things are going to happen.

I'm telling you, if God could take a kid from El Paso like me to serve Him in His kingdom, he can take a person like you to serve in his kingdom. I was a nobody. He made me somebody, not because of what I did, but because of what he did. Listen, you too can have that supernatural power, the living supernatural power. Paul says it set me apart while I was still in my mom's womb. Listen, God has had a plan and a call in your life, from the day you became a fetus in your mom's room, in your mom's womb, when you became a baby that you weren't even even outside the womb. God knows who you are. He has says, I know who you are. Just read Psalm 139 if you want the text for that Psalm 139 before you were born, he had a plan for you. God calls us to his side and to his service. Listen, I hear people talk about calling all the time. There's only two callings in the Bible. God calls you to his side, to himself and to his service. Now, there's different kinds of things that we do in His service. We have a music team that plays the music. We have this guy that pretends to be the pastor. He's I'm the interim pastor just but he had. We have a guy that preaches the gospel. We have people that run the media. We have people that are going to be afterwards in the prayer room. We have all of these different services. It's all the same calling, though. We're called to his side and to his service. That's what we get called to. And why does God call us to himself? What possibly could he want from us? He doesn't need us, right?

I hope you believe he don't need you, right? He doesn't need you. He can run this world without you.

The cool thing is, is he willing to let you come and be part of the kingdom? He said, I will let you come in. I want to use you so that others can see who I am.

Listen to this. In verse 16, Paul tells us that we can reveal his Son in our lives. You see he he said this. Look at what he says in verse 16,

the reason that God called him and set him apart, he says, to reveal his Son in me so that I might preach among the Gentiles. Listen,

God isn't calling you just to sit there and do nothing. God is calling you to his service, and whatever that may be. For Paul, it was preaching.

It to the Gentiles. If you don't know what the word Gentile means, it was everybody else besides a Jew. It was the rest of the world that were not chosen by God. But after Jesus rose from the dead, he changed the world, and Paul preached that gospel, a supernatural gospel. You see, when the living God of the universe has a mission and a plan for your life, that's what happens, the reason we know and allow a supernatural God to come and live inside of us is so that Jesus can be seen in us.

Is Jesus being seen in you? Do people see Jesus in your life? Can they tell there's something different about you? You see, Paul says, so that I might preach among the Gentiles, my immediate response was not to consult any human being. You see, he didn't need any human to tell him. Yes, I think that's from God. Only you and God can understand what God is speaking to you about. That's why we said you have to confess with your mouth, you have to believe in your heart, and only God knows your heart, only God knows your mind, when a supernatural God is evident in your life. And listen, I understand there's different gifts, and there are, there are different theologies that are out there, and sometimes speaking in tongues is considered one of these things, so that people can see that the Holy Spirit is inside of you. But I want to say that's not true.

I'm not against speaking in tongues. I think that it's one of the gifts. But listen, the biggest thing that people can see inside of you is a real, supernatural Jesus that speaks for you. And what I mean by that is intelligible words, so that people can understand what he's done in your life. Listen, all of those things are great. All of the gifts are great, but if they don't see the real Christ in you, it doesn't matter. He's the one that reveals Himself to us. Paul says, I don't just want to, I just, I just don't want God, and I don't want to just keep him for myself. We want to give God away. There are no secret agent Christians in the kingdom.

There's a lot of you that think you are, though, if I just they won't know that I'm a Christian. Imma hide behind this right here, just in case. You know, listen, why would you not want somebody to know that you're a Christian? Why don't you want your family to come to Christ? You may be the first in your family to give their life to Jesus and to show him to the rest of your family. Why don't you want that for them? Do you not want them to come to heaven with you?

You need Jesus in your life.

Paul said, I'm going to where God is sending me. In verse 17, he received the supernatural gospel, and he said, I gotta go. I don't need to consult with the apostles. Nobody needs to tell you what to do. In Ephesians two, chapter two, verses four through seven,

it says, But God, being rich in His mercy, because of the great love with which He loves us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ. By grace, you have been saved and raised up with Him and seated with us in the heavenly places in Christ, Jesus so that in the coming ages he might show the immeasurable riches of His grace and kindness toward us in Christ, Jesus isn't that a beautiful piece of text of Scripture, but God shows us his kindness and his greatness so that that can be seen in us, so that others can come to the kingdom as well. Listen, the kingdom of God is not for you to hide. It's not for you to only for yourself. It's for you to share it with others. We have a giving God, and we have a living God. Do you have the living Christ living inside of you? Is he real in your life? Have you made him the king of your life? Is he reigning over your life? Is every decision taken at the feet of the cross. And say, This is what I want to do. God, what do you think not this is what I did. God, can you bless it now? Oh, we like that prayer, don't we? I'm just going to ask for blessings after I do whatever I want to do,

that's not the God I serve. I hope it's not the God you serve. You take it to the cross and you say, God, I feel like I'm being lead, led to do this. What do you think? Would you show me? Would you help me?

Lastly, God is a forgiving God. We have a

a willing God, a living God, and now we have a forgiving God. In the last couple verses of our text, Paul is trying to convince others of the supernatural conversion, conversion in Christ. He spent three years preaching all over Galatia. Like I said, Galatia is a lot like this area here in El Paso,

El Paso and horizon and and Anthony and and Chaparral, and even going to Las Cruces. It's a vicinity. Paul's preaching all around this vicinity. He says, I did it for three years. And he says, I want to tell you how God has saved me, changed me, and transformed me. He had to prove to the people how God had changed him. Now, listen, if you're been a heathen like I was before I was 25 and you give your life to Christ today, people ain't going to believe it at first. Oh.

Man, I know what that guy used to be. That's what's going on in our Texas mornings. Like there's no way Paul changed his life. I know exactly who he used to be. This dude was a ruthless Christian killer, and now you're going to tell me he's now for Jesus. That's what can happen to you. You can be the first in your family. You could be this terrible person doing crazy things. And today, God gets a hold of your heart. You say, I want that supernatural power the pastor was talking about this morning. And you're going to walk out of here and people are going to go, I don't believe it.

It takes time for people to see a resurrected Christ in your life. So don't just go, man. You don't have to believe it. No, you just continue to do and love on them, because it's hard to love unlovable people, isn't it? Ain't no unlovable people in here, right?

I was one of those. I know he went to visit with others and proved himself worthy of the calling verse 23 the people heard of the transformed Paul, this man who was against God as now is for God. In other words, God forgave this man of all of his sins past, present and future. Could you imagine

Jesus forgiving Paul of all the sins that he committed against all the Christians in that vicinity, all the people that had been killed at his feet on his watch, and he was a superhero for the Pharisees. Paul was Paul, and he was in charge. And they were like, how is it possible for this man to be saved now and for him to be speaking for the person he said he was against?


again. You could be here today and you'd be like, Man, I just don't know about this Jesus thing.

Yesterday, we spent all day at a unapologetic conference understanding how to defend our faith. And

one of the things I learned is the material our body will let us down,

and we think about our brain and how amazing it is, but it's material our thinking is outside of our brain.

So think about that as Jesus is outside of who we are. It's not that we can't we do invite Him into our life, but we invite Him into our heart and in our soul and in the way we think it's not about the material, it's about the immaterial, which is the spiritual world. That's the world that we want to tap into this morning. You see, we all have a choice to make today. We can either follow Christ, or we can deny Christ. We can either ask Jesus to be the Lord of our life, or we can say, I don't want him at all in my life. Or we can say, Pastor, I've been here today. I've given my life to Christ, but I've walked away from him. Well, I tell you coming back and reconnect to him today. Say I want what you're talking about this morning. Listen, we all have a calling in our life, and I'm going to read six more verses for you, and I want you to listen very carefully. Ephesians, chapter four, verses one through six. Ephesians, chapter four, verses one through six,

Paul's talking to the church at Ephesus, and he says this as a prisoner for the Lord,

I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.

Be completely humble and gentle, be patient, bearing one with one another in love, make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. There's only one body and one Spirit, just as you've been called to one hope when you have when you were called. There's one Lord, there's one faith, there's one baptism, there's one God and Father of all, who is overall and through all and in all. That sums up the gospel in six verses.

Did you know as I was studying this text when I was in seminary, preparing my first sermon to preach to a group of pastors, because we had to preach to each other in class. You know how scary that was for a guy that had didn't grow up in church, had only been saved about eight years, preparing a sermon to preach the guys that probably grew up in church probably been preaching since they were little, and I was preparing this text of Scripture and this word

worthy. I wanted to understand what did live a life that's worthy of the calling you received, and did you know in the Greek context? And I looked it up, and I was like, I want to study. What does exactly mean? It talked about these scales being in balance. Now, when we used to go to the grocery store, and there's somebody that was old, you that are as old as me or older, here, we used to, we used to put our vegetables and fruits on a scale to measure how many pounds we are. We that they were so that we could see, well, it's 29 cents a pound. I got three pounds, it's going to be about 90 cents. And then we would bag it up so we knew how much we were spending.

Uh, well, today they just usually go by the piece of fruit or whatever. So that's the that's the image that we have here. Live a life that's worthy of the calling. The worthy is in the middle our life versus our calling? Is it in balance?

And he goes through and talks about all these onenesses, one God, one faith, one baptism, one one hope, and he, and that's what I call the seven onenesses. Those are what we can agree on as the body of Christ. And listen, if he, if your life is not in balance with who Christ is, then today, make it in balance, live the life that's worthy of the calling that you've been given and received.

Have you experienced the life saving grace of Jesus, the Christ? I want to ask you today,

as we pray, to really consider what it means to follow Christ. Remember, it's not of any human origin. It's of a supernatural origin. It's by the Spirit of God that we can have Jesus in our life. Maybe you're going to be you're here, and like last week, some people came and they gave their life to Christ. And this is this altar is going to be open, and I want to invite you to come and make a decision for him. Maybe you're here and you just need to pray for somebody. We have, we have kneeling

places all across the the front here. Don't be afraid to ask whatever you need. So I'm going to pray for you, and then we're going to sing this song. And as we sing, you come so would you stand,

Father God. We, thank you for the day that you've given us. We, thank you for the gospel that you've allowed us to hear this morning, and so Father, I pray that by the power of your Holy Spirit, that you would move in this place as we continue to worship you God. I pray that if there are here, those here that need to receive the supernatural healing of Jesus the Christ, that they would not be afraid to ask, that they would come and say, That's me. If there are some here that say, I need Jesus, and only Jesus. I've been talking about all these other things, but now today, I want to make Jesus the Lord of my life. I pray that you would give them the power to come and father for the those that are here, that have walked away from you, that have said, I don't want anything to do with Jesus, but I came because somebody told me to come. I pray that you would bring them back into their kingdom. God, not that they're not saved, but you would reconnect with them and so, Father, God, whatever you want to do during this time, I met some here, Lord that need to surrender their lives to missions, to ministry, to the God, whatever God that you want to do. I pray that we would not be afraid to do it. I pray this in Jesus name amen.