March 21, 2023 • Dr. Darrick Fields • 2 Corinthians 4:4, John 12:46, Psalm 119:130, Isaiah 42:16, John 1:1–14
Additional notes:
"Darkness must leave in light."
Acts 17:28-live, move, & have our being
"We perish in darkness."
John 8:12- I am the light of the world
John 15:3-you are already clean because of the Word
John 3:17-21-hate the light fearing sinful activities will be exposed
Isaiah 5:10-11-Watch out. Don't live in your own light and warm yourself by your own fire. You will be tormented.
Jeremiah 17:5-Don't put your trust in man ( including yourself)
"Can't be afraid of going into the unknown when you're accompanied by an unknown God." ~Dr. Darrick Fields
John 10:27-Jesus' sheep know His voice
Proverbs 3:5-6-Trust God and always acknowledge Him
John 13:34-36-Everyone will know whose you are by your love for one another.
"Trusting God is Plan A and Plan A - no safety net required" ~Daniel Mendoza