
9. When Christ Comes | Part 2

John Avant

Even though it is clear the Lord wants us to be more concerned with who is ready for the second coming and what we are supposed to be doing before His return, He does give us some indication of the order of events and how it will happen. As for the time of His coming, no one knows. He clearly tells us He will come as a thief in the night. As we look at current world events, it does appear that we are in the beginning of birth pains: race against race, earthquakes, hurricanes, sandstorms, pandemics, persecution, and the list could go on. In Video 9, John gives us his inter- pretation of a possible timeline for the return of Christ. It is fine to disagree with him! But the one thing we must agree on is that we are to be passionate in praying the ancient prayer of the apostles: Come, Lord Jesus! Marana tha!

1. How to Change Your Life and Your Nation in Six Months

John Avant

In order to experience true change in our lives, we need to choose to be examples of God’s power. When we choose to allow His power instead of idols to fill our lives, oth- ers will see His example of love, faith, and hope in us. Change must begin in us. When our churches and lives are characterized by unceasing prayer, and by more concern for advancing the gospel of Christ than our own agendas, the world will step back and see that there’s a new King in town! During these difficult days, we must choose to walk in the joy of Jesus despite the suffering we are experiencing.

2. How Movements of God Happen

John Avant

In order to experience true change in our lives, we need to choose to be examples of God’s power. When we choose to allow His power instead of idols to fill our lives, oth- ers will see His example of love, faith, and hope in us. Change must begin in us. When our churches and lives are characterized by unceasing prayer, and by more concern for advancing the gospel of Christ than our own agendas, the world will step back and see that there’s a new King in town! During these difficult days, we must choose to walk in the joy of Jesus despite the suffering we are experiencing.

3. God Trusts You with the Most Important Assignment!

John Avant

God loves us! He approves of us and has entrusted His grace and peace to us to share with the lost world. But He will allow testing in our lives in order to refine us and remove all impurities out of our hearts. He wants us to be able to say no to the Safe Life. The cross is not a safe place. He also wants us to say no to the Cynical Life and to the Self Life. When we choose to say no in these three areas, we will fall in love with lost people. We will join Him in His mission. It is time to stop slow dancing to the demonic lullaby and choose to say yes to Him.