
6. The Mission of Yes

John Avant

Have you ever REALLY had to live by faith? Have you ever been pushed out of everything you were used to, and forced to rely COMPLETELY on God? Maybe that happens for a reason. In this video, John Avant jumps deeper into our mission of saying yes to God.

1. God Still Speaks

John Avant

Has God ever spoken to you? God uses all sorts of means to speak to us. When God DOES speak to you, what will your answer be? In this video John Avant, president of Life Action, gives us encouraging words when it comes to listening to, and saying yes to God's voice.

2. Will You Say Yes?

John Avant

Have you ever found yourself saying yes to too much? It can get exhausting and distracting to overcommit. In this video, President of Life Action John Avant talks about saying no to some things, so that we can say YES to the things that matter.

3. Breaking Addictions

Donna Avant

Most people think an addiction is when you can't say no. But when you think about it, an addiction is also when you can't say yes. In this video, Donna Avant shares points on addiction, the "Yes Life", and what it means to live the abundant life of Jesus.