
Bonus Session: Making a Big Decision

Rev. Dr. Barnabas Sprinkle

Making a big decision? This powerful process will help you walk step-by-step toward discernment. Throughout the process, don't forget to bathe each step in prayer!

Session 1: Lead with Kingdom Vision

Rev. Dr. Barnabas Sprinkle

Liberty Corner Church's mission statement is "to make disciples who make disciples."

Session 2: Lead by Following Jesus

Rev. Dr. Barnabas Sprinkle

Let us always remember that our salvation does not depend on what we do for God, but what Christ has done for us. We cannot earn God's love or our salvation. What we do in God's kingdom has eternal significance.

Session 3: Lead Ministry with a Plan

Rev. Dr. Barnabas Sprinkle

If you are leading a ministry you will find the best success if you have a clear plan.